April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Currently cooking eggs, hope they are not really cooked ....

The homemade hatcher turned full time incubator lol this baby cost $0.00. Unless you count themo.s... Tomorrow is day 21, I have 0 pips.... Last hatch I already had a chicken at this point.... But, only time will tell. Okay I MUST get off the computer and get some real work done. Good Night and GOOD LUCK HATCHERS!
Got my BLRW eggs today unfortunately one is cracked . . . majorly, I got no extras, i can't find the air cells,they weren't shipped fat end up, and they were delivered to my mailbox in frigid temperatures despite having hold for pickup clearly written on the box.

So we are off to an exceptionally bad start but I will be setting them in the morning regardless.
I'm on day 21, waiting for my Java/Ameraucana mix to hatch, along with 2 Java/Speckled Sussex chicks. Here's hoping they make it out!

Here is #1 Blue Orpington...what a sweety...and a lively talker .
Very cute!
Yes these are the cracked up waxed up lot - that were supposed to be Silver grey Dorkings but are BLUE and Dorking eggs are white so they may even be LIZARDS and I might just be several months out on the due date????? I won;t actually know what they are until they HATCH and dry and someone can enlighten me as to what lucky dip chicks I might have???? ( We may of course never actually know - ???) The two scrambled eggs didn;t make it through the post and we only realised another was really damaged on day 14 but when candled it had a live chick moving inside the egg so we waxed it up and poped it back. Marans can take a longtime to hatch ( But again Maran eggs are not BLUE! Though cream crested lagbars are and my last one hatched on day 27?). - I am a very impatient momma hen ! ( You should have seen me when my DD was having my grandbaby! -
Can you imagine! if I am this way with eggs!)

Oes - HATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope they started hatching for you!
OES, I wish that I had something nicer than farm mutt eggs that I could send you. I feel Terrible that your eggs came in such bad condition

Same to you ALLSUMMEDUP. Hopefully for both of you things turn out alright.

I just ordered my first two dozen eggs at the beginning of the month. I am so nervous now that we are 10 days to hatch. They were all supposed to come the same week, but one came a few days early, and the second I had to delay since we were getting a blizzard and I didn't want thEm to be left stranded someplace. Now I have 2 dozen eggs on 2 different hatch dates, in one incubator. Not what I planned, but minor in comparison to the poorly shipped eggs you both recieved. At least I was able to set the full amount I ordered. I do not understand some of the horrible packing jobs by some shippers.

I will be crossing my fingers for you both.

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