April/May Grow-a-long!

if y'all remember popeye the one-eyed cross beak from like the april or may hatch- He's doing great! Or she, thinking he due to the red spots but they look bleached so maybe not. I believe i sold the other ones or they didn't make it ( Kept losing them, they seem to be dropping like flies this year, at least for me.) I will have to double check though.
okay i do have some from the may hatch- i sold a few though. CCL/O. E. In the first picture, EE/Ameraucana second picture.
if y'all remember popeye the one-eyed cross beak from like the april or may hatch- He's doing great! Or she, thinking he due to the red spots but they look bleached so maybe not. I believe i sold the other ones or they didn't make it ( Kept losing them, they seem to be dropping like flies this year, at least for me.) I will have to double check though.
Hmmm red I would say roo... But see no wattles or comb....
Here are my other May babies.... the lavender Orpington, lavender Brahma, and the Ameraucanas may be June since they started hatching May 31 finished June 1. Ok will have to add pics later, it won't let me add them.....


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I believe i got the dates wrong- can't find which month they hatched. Popeye was an april hatch, not sure if the others are may. May be June. idk anymore 😅
They were june hatches. So ignore their presence in this thread. 😅.
Eh June works. Lol
I got a small tan egg today.... not sure who laid it, it looks to small for my older girls. I have a camera and saw 3 of my March and April girls in it but not sure any were in long enough to lay.... 2/3 I would think would lay a shade of green but who knows since some of my last years chicks hatched from green eggs and I was told would lay green and they lay tan/brown...... lol
It is so funny. Some of my girls have just started laying or getting ready and my 1 yr old roo spends a ton of time in the coop near the nest boxes or in the nest boxes with them. Would love to know how they can tell they are close to laying so he is in giving that support. Lol
My EE/Cochin mix I hatched from my flock started laying. She lays pretty olive eggs!!!! Her mom's name is Tequila so her name is Margarita. Lol.


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I started getting eggs on August 9th, but from my Sussex, which were hatched in February. (wrong thread, ha!)

BUT I found a smaller and darker brown egg in the nesting box on August 28th. That probably came from one of my Dominiques, who were hatched in April. That puts the first egg being laid by a Dominique pullet at 2 days shy of 20 weeks old!

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