Araucana chick with silky feathers?


10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
I have what should be an Araucana chick. She is about six week old with what looks like silky feathers. Did they send us the wrong breed of chicken or do I have a sick chick on my hands


We are not all that concerned about having a mix bird. So long as she lays eggs I don't care much. It is just that she does not look like any of the other Araucana's we got.
One of my favorite mixes, you never know what you will get. We once had a medium sized chick with regular feathers but a funny tail and what we called a mo-hawk. Enjoy your mix they are the best
She sure is purrrrrrrdy!
I bet you can't wait to see what she looks like full grown!

That being said, true Araucanas are very rare, and it doesn't look like she has any of the right traits...ear tufts, rumpless, etc. But she is super-cute and I bet she'll be a great hen for you. I have 2 "Ameraucanas" from Ideal, but I know they're not "True Ameraucanas"....I love them anyways...I think they are beautiful.
It looks like some of the chicks in my flock that are out of my mixed breed hens and BO rooster. Mixes are a lot of fun too as you never know what to expect. She's defininatly not an Araucana I can tell ya that. Not sure what breeds she could be a mix of. My blue hen that gives my a lot of chicks like that with my BO roo is a mix of EE/Cuckoo Maran and Spizhuaben (spelling ?)
It's unusual for it to have come out with silkie feathering. Where did you order it from? Do you have a pic from the side?

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