Araucana thread anyone?

Some tailed, some partial tail or a few tail feathers, some rumpless. Possible tufts but more clean faced. Color, depends on if the hen is dominant white or recessive and also what color genes she carries that is covered by white. What color was her chick down? If pure white to yellow, she is probably dominant white. If she was other colors, she's likely recessive white. The rooster is blue with leakage, what was his chick down color like? You have a LOT of possibilities. Too many to mention

Thank you! That is what I was thinking. I do not remember what color their chick down was. I have 6 eggs from them in the incubator right now, so hope they develop and hatch.
Thank you so much, you have eased my mind immensely
My Araucana Skye FINALLY laid an egg! One yesterday and one today. She is about 9 months old.

She laid them in the bushes and another hen copied her and laid one there as well.

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