Araucana thread anyone?

I totally understand your feelings on the issue.  However, the information came directly from the breeder - doesn't check fertility, doesn't clip feathers, 10% is accepted fertility rate, etc.  I can copy you an e-mail if you don't believe me.  

I have amazing hatch rates in my incubator.  Local eggs are 90 - 100% and shipped eggs are around 50%.  Buying shipped eggs is always a gamble, but paying a large sum of money for tailed stock and then being shipped mostly infertile eggs is totally unacceptable.  Even more unfortunate is that the eggs came from a respected breeder and this seems to be an accepted norm with the breed.  I love all my birds, but the ameraucanas are way better layers and don't come with the health problems.  

My point is that owning birds should be a joyful experience.  There are ever increasing stories about people spending a lot of money on Araucana eggs and not getting any quality chicks, or any chicks at all.  This is not fun!  Sure there is always human error, but I rarely hear about this happening with other breeds.  It just  makes breeders look dishonest.  :(

Thank you for your input.  :D  I always value what you have to say.  

I have seen more and more breeders of all different types of breeds not guaranteeing fertility, and that bothered me... as I have always guaranteed fertility in the past... and now I understand a big part of that... even when the receiver pays for shipping another set, it has cost me out of pocket above and beyond what was charged... anymore, I cannot afford to send eggs out like that...

Anyways, if research is done properly on the breed, these issues are well documented... so still taking a gamble on shipped eggs for them is up to the one wanting the eggs...

This breed of all breeds, I feel strongly shouldn't be started with eggs... ask many on this thread, I have always stated that and will always stand by that...

Owning birds is a joy... breeding towards SOP and being serious about quality is work... it can be rewarding and enjoyable, but there will always be letdowns, struggles and lots of work...

I love this breed, but honestly I feel like it's a constant battle of trying to keep oil and water mixed... the UK has a much broader and easier set of standards, I feel... and a lot of times even the 'rules' don't always follow the way they're 'supposed to'... that brings me to the tails... I will share a set of pics I've shared before... and then ones I haven't... just as an example of what can happen even when it's 'not supposed to'...
These are bantams I have been working with... not perfect, but a pair I was pleased with breeding out of what I started with...




Fully rumpless, DT hen...



Fully rumpless, CF cockerel...

Now, from this pair, what are the possibilities that would be expected for them to throw in their offspring?

Anyone feel free to comment...
These are bantams I have been working with... not perfect, but a pair I was pleased with breeding out of what I started with...

Fully rumpless, DT hen...

Fully rumpless, CF cockerel...

Now, from this pair, what are the possibilities that would be expected for them to throw in their offspring?

Anyone feel free to comment...
no idea but they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!
These are bantams I have been working with... not perfect, but a pair I was pleased with breeding out of what I started with...

Fully rumpless, DT hen...

Fully rumpless, CF cockerel...

Now, from this pair, what are the possibilities that would be expected for them to throw in their offspring?

Anyone feel free to comment...
Very nice pair of Silver Duckwing. All offspring should be rumpless. Roughly 50% will be tufted. Work on getting rid of the dark wash on the legs. Legs should be bright yellow.
Actually, @junebuggena you are completely incorrect on the shank color... I do highly suggest checking your Standard of Perfection book before stating misinformation...

The only accepted variety of Araucanas in lf or bantam that require yellow shanks is white... every other variety is required to be willow, with the black variety being acceptable from willow colored to black shanks...


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@RavynFallen, those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing some eye candy, lol!

I spilled coffee on my old Mac and toasted it, so please bear with, I'm having to learn to use my phone!

- On shank colors, do you know if there is any consensus on non-sop colors, like say, Splash or Pyles, or those lovely Palominos on Edd's page?
@RavynFallen, those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing some eye candy, lol!

I spilled coffee on my old Mac and toasted it, so please bear with, I'm having to learn to use my phone!

- On shank colors, do you know if there is any consensus on non-sop colors, like say, Splash or Pyles, or those lovely Palominos on Edd's page?

Shank color for projects should follow along the nearest accepted color... like Red Pyle would most likely fall into yellow shanks and splash would follow blue... although blue isn't accepted yet, the ACofA does have a drafted standard on their website and it has horn listed... I'd say that would be in between the basic willow and the black shanks of black...

I have no idea on the 'Palomino'... haven't seen that...
They're beatiful! Roos use to be my favorite but I'm enjoying hens a bit more these days. But I have to admit that roo makes me just want to touch him. His feathers look so silkie and shiny.

Sorry about your comp N8ivetxn. I remember learning to use my phone. What a nightmare for me! Sure do hope it's much easier for you.
They're beatiful! Roos use to be my favorite but I'm enjoying hens a bit more these days. But I have to admit that roo makes me just want to touch him. His feathers look so silkie and shiny.

Sorry about your comp N8ivetxn. I remember learning to use my phone. What a nightmare for me! Sure do hope it's much easier for you.

Thanks, JuJubeann... his daddy was the biggest character I have ever seen... screamed like a little girl catching him, but was putty in your hands once you did, lol...

How are your chickies???

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