Arctic blast coming to my area

Hi @Ninjasquirrel , northern Miami county here... :frow
We are currently -18, wind chill -45 degrees. I just got back in from feeding and everyone was fine. My old layers actually came out of the coop! Crazy old broads! The araucana flock, no. Everyone has survivied (so far) with no supplemental heat. Me on the other hand; all I had exposed was my eyes and a little bit of forehead and nose bridge, and I was only out there maybe 10 minutes max and my face hurts SO BAD!

This is why its so cold!!!!! Let her go....let her go...
Coop is dry and well ventilated. It is not insulated. Deep litter which is kept dry with fresh on top weekly. Run is wrapped with 13 ML and lined with straw. Roof of run is sheet metal
Our set up is nearly the same. I do not have a roof on the run nor is it wrapped. My coop is huge 8x12 only 10 hens. No power or insulation. I just went out and gave fresh water. Checked the thermometer while out there. It is a toasty 23 degrees Fahrenheit in there. Outside it is 12 degrees without the windchill factor. They are complaining about being locked inside but all is well other than that
Well we caved and said our chickens need heat! We were so cold outside seeing as its -20 we put a heat source in the coop. A small incandescent light bulb in a cinder block. We were avoiding this but we want to avoid death as much as possible. We've come too far to let them just die. I love these birds and i dont want to have to start over. Ill keep you all updated assuredly

Just be very careful with that and check on them frequently. And where in the world did you find incandescent light bulbs? I haven't found them anywhere.
Just be very careful with that and check on them frequently. And where in the world did you find incandescent light bulbs? I haven't found them anywhere.
Its a 60 watt. We have another cinder block covering it up so they wont be able to get to it. Im still checking on them frequently. I just fed them some warm scrambled eggs which they enjoyed very much. Its -5 in the coop now.
Tomorrow is supposed to be -13 with a windchill of -35. They're saying frostbite in minutes. We normally dont heat our coop but im wondering if I should put a heat lamp out for tomorrow? Once i have that heat lamp out will it have to stay out all winter? Need advice ASAP.
They are talking about human beings who go outside without proper protection.
I was out with the chickens this morning, all are well. Temperature without windchill: -25*. The temperature inside the coop 2*. No added heat, big vent between coop and covered run open 24/7. The girls were standing by the pop door ready to go out. I let them out in the run but not the yard. Tonight forecast for -30*...... can’t wait for this terrible cold to pass
Hi @Ninjasquirrel , northern Miami county here... :frow
We are currently -18, wind chill -45 degrees. I just got back in from feeding and everyone was fine. My old layers actually came out of the coop! Crazy old broads! The araucana flock, no. Everyone has survivied (so far) with no supplemental heat. Me on the other hand; all I had exposed was my eyes and a little bit of forehead and nose bridge, and I was only out there maybe 10 minutes max and my face hurts SO BAD!
My chickens are also doing good without any heat, except for the heated soapstone wrapped in a towel, I put it under their straw in the run where they eat. I also use some baby oil, coconut oil on my skin before I go out, makes a huge difference on my cheeks.

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