Are all Orpingtons friendly?

Are all varieties of Orpingtons friendly and docile? I realize all individuals are different but as a whole? I think the Lavender Orpingtons are so beautiful 🤩 and we are looking at getting 3 with 3 Buffs.
As stated previously, each chicken can be quite different. I had a Buff Orpington who was a total sweetheart and a Lavender Orpington who started out sweet but changed when she moved up the pecking order. The Lavender got so mean she actually grew spurs! Big ones! She terrorized the newest members of the flock to the point that I had to find her a new home. The relief from the entire remaining flock was palatable and immediate. One other trait of Orpingtons is that can tend to be broody. My Buff went broody several times a year where as my Lavender never went broody. None of the other hens in the mixed flock ever went broody. Since you can't have roosters, you might want to also take that into consideration.
Some are 'lap' chickens and some aren't. We make it a point of handling each new chick that comes into the flock until they go out with the main flock so they learn to deal with being held or picked up.
This is what makes the difference. Early gentle handling to get them used to humans and acceptance that not all are the same.
I raised a pair of sister hens (same roo and hen parent) once, Named them Fluffy and Buffy (Don't judge me!) handled both daily.
Fluffy was "OK" with humans but not particularly friendly while Buffy adored people and was totally a lap chicken. My Buffy would follow me everywhere while I was outside, watching avidly for any insects that were stirred up while gardening and terminated every one she could get her beak on.
This is what makes the difference. Early gentle handling to get them used to humans and acceptance that not all are the same.
I raised a pair of sister hens (same roo and hen parent) once, Named them Fluffy and Buffy (Don't judge me!) handled both daily.
Fluffy was "OK" with humans but not particularly friendly while Buffy adored people and was totally a lap chicken. My Buffy would follow me everywhere while I was outside, watching avidly for any insects that were stirred up while gardening and terminated every one she could get her beak on.
Well, I’m gonna find out 🤞. I wanted to raise chicks so I bought 5, got 6, buffs, 4 austrolorps, and 1 Buff rooster. The description was broody and docile on both breeds. Just didn’t want the flighty and nervous ones. Got them Tuesday I am going to try to be around them as I can for them to get use to me. Here’s hoping🤞🐣
Yay! Good luck. I just ordered ours.
Are all varieties of Orpingtons friendly and docile? I realize all individuals are different but as a whole? I think the Lavender Orpingtons are so beautiful 🤩 and we are looking at getting 3 with 3 Buffs.
My lavender is very gentle she will peck at the door for me. She sits on my lap and 5yr Olds hold her and talks to her. I named her Greystone.

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