Are all Orpingtons friendly?

Was it her feet that did that or her beak? I didn’t even know hens would do this. I know roosters can be buttholes but yikes!
All birds can scratch you up, it doesn't matter their gender or species or anything. They have claws and a sharp beak. Claws seem the most dangerous unless it is something like a macaw with a sharp, hooked beak.

One more question. How does one handle a hen who asserts herself towards you? I’ve heard people pick them up and hold them upside down briefly, then force them to be held. The upside down bit seems questionable to me but I’m curious what you did.
Never hold a bird upside down. When they are held upside down, their ribs will compress on their organs and they can die in a second.
Oh my gosh 😱😱😱
Was this unexpected or does she have a known temperament issue?
Was it her feet that did that or her beak? I didn’t even know hens would do this. I know roosters can be buttholes but yikes!
One more question. How does one handle a hen who asserts herself towards you? I’ve heard people pick them up and hold them upside down briefly, then force them to be held. The upside down bit seems questionable to me but I’m curious what you did.
Unexpected and with her nails.
I was moving hens from a group pen to breeding pens. Just scooped her up and she went battle mood.
Exactly what I did. Got both legs and carried her upside down to the pen. Questionable, sure. Was it supposed to cure anything, nope. Just a means to finish moving her without further scratches.

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