Are Black chickens safer free ranging ?


6 Years
Jun 27, 2017
Metrowest- Massachusetts
My Coop
My Coop
I thought I would throw this out there because I can't find the answer.

Here in N.E. we have Big Crows and Crows HATE Hawks. If Crows are around the hawks don't play, they go elsewhere so they are not bothered. I have noticed that here that is Crows have been around that morning there are no Hawks around that day at all.

So I wondered if you had Black Chickens if the hawks would think they were Crows and not bother.

i am NOT talking about little Silkies, but bigger like Australorps, Black Jersey Giants etc...

I did read somewhere that jungle fowl coloring didn't really help because predators are looking for that type of color.
We don't have Green chickens :lol: so .......
> if you had Black Chickens if the hawks would think they were Crows and not bother

I doubt it, hawks have a keen eye that can reach big distances and would notice the red combs and the very diferent shape... but is an interesting idea in any case
I know they would figure out the difference and I know they don't bother them because they are Black. Crows dive bomb Hawks, usually only when they are near a nest. But the crows here do it and there are no Crow nests ;)

yeah sharp eyes they have. Just thought maybe they might think twice. We have HUGE Crows here :bow

LOL @pvaldes only if they don't make that Crow noise haha
It's the behavior that keys a hawk onto its prey. I've seen Blue Jays and Mockingbirds send a hawk spiraling for cover. Yet, I've seen hawks eat Blue Jays and Mockingbirds. Black chickens would be safe from a hawk only if they took to the air like a crow and attacked hawks. Otherwise, free range chickens are ripe for any predator. If you are worried about hawk attacks, you'll have to rethink your free ranging strategy.
I know that free ranging is a crap shoot if you live near a hawks area. Not really my issue.

I just heard somewhere that darker birds fared a bit better then lighter birds. Didn't know if it was true or not.
I will be getting Black Australorps soon. I have Reds and white columbian hens right now and not an issue so far.

Just curious

edit, WISH I had Crows here more often, but ini reality they follow the trash days in town and surrounding towns.
But i do think darker birds in general fair better because they blend in better. think about how easy it would be to spot a stark white chicken versus a brown one from way up high. Now, hawks and other birds of prey have incredible sight, but if the bird was far away the chances are greater of it spotting a white chicken than a brown one. (I say brown because i believe it blends even better than black in an earthy setting)

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