Are chickens pets or livestock??? The Great Debate!

My chickens are 100% pets!!
The eggs that they will be laying soon are just a bonus.
My wife and I enjoy sitting out and watching our little flock free range after we are done for the day. Our grand daughters have named the 4 lavender orpingtons, I have named a BR roo. The rest of them are not named. I think my wife is getting attached to her lav orps, I REALLY like my BR roo. BUT, he took a peck at me last night and I backhanded him across his noggin. I woke up this morning with that on my mind, and wondering if I had a pot big enough to heat water in to loosen the feathers. If he is starting to feel his oats, he'll be feeling some taters and gravy as well.

I guess that means that while I do like having them around, I can separate them as livestock from the family dog as a pet.... although the pot thing has come to mind for the dog more than once too.
beekissed said:
The simple fact of the matter is can call any animal a pet. Chickens are a food animal and humans eat millions of them per year. They do not eat that many cats, dogs, or least not stateside. Chickens can not be potty trained nor can they go camping with you, they don't want to sleep in your bed, you can try taking them for a walk but it probably won't be too successful.

Face it, as pets, chickens are merely chickens. You can pet them, feed them treats, name them, even put diapers on them but in the end, they are primarily chickens and only fair pets, at best. If you never fed them but they were only fed by a machine, they would not eagerly come towards you when you entered their environment nor would they flock at your feet or follow you around. You are the food bringer.

Dogs and cats, on the other hand, would still want your companionship if you were not the source of their food. They would still run eagerly to you when you came home and still try to comfort you when you are sad. I doubt your chickens give a flying fart whether you are sad or not.

At my place, practicality wins out. Chickens are livestock and dogs and cats are pets. I treat my chickens kindly, protect them, take steps to see that they are content and healthy....and then I eat them when they are no longer productive.

Fish are pets and I wouldn't take them camping!
I have 2 ponds with really friendly ornamental fish that are here only for pets (wouldn't eat them).

I understand what you say as I am a realist but I do feel they should always be respected and well cared for (which seems to be what you are saying). I also wouldn't have a chicken as a house pet but some folks have large parrots. They can make a big mess! We do have a tiny parrotlet and chose him because his home is easy to clean.

I do disagree though that they are not just chickens and not pets to many of us. Mine are beloved pets that bring much joy. And yes, they do come to me just for companionship as well as for treats! When they figure out I don't have treats they still hang with me and purr that sweet sound. They love a good scratch on their neck or under the wattles and just like our company. Thank goodness for them as one has a horrible cross beak and if let of her own devices she might not be alive. I give them their feed (its an organic soy free mash) moistened every morning so she can get a nice full crop. In the real world she may not be as big and beautiful. In my coop though she is top of the pecking order!

Hyacinth's cross beak-- her upper and lower beak barely meet at all!

There should be a middle definition. My pets (3 cats) are like family and that status gives them the extra perks to me that define a true pet. Recenly spent 2k on one for 'exploratory surgery'. He got better but the vets never did figure out what was making him sick.

I view my chickens as in between. I call them pets to keep things simple with my coworkers but in literal translation... I would never spend that much on one of them. They will have a cush life with treats, security and fellow chickens to play with. I don't expect them to be anything other than entertaining featherheads that give me eggs. But by my feelings they straddle the line because I do expect eggs from them and they are not in the house. A pets primary purpose is to be a companion, period. A chicken to me is not as much a companion though they are entertaining and that purpose is about equal with the required production of eggs.
I dunno, seems like there needs to be a definition in the middle. Are they spoiled livestock or lesser-privilaged pets?
I originally got my hens for eggs but who knew?!!! They turned into wonderful pets! Lovable, affectionate, humorous and all with different personalities and likes and dislikes. Gotta love 'em!

BTW, once they start laying, they should calm down some. I had the same thing happen with mine when they were in their "awkward teenage stage" but once they started laying, all was nice and calm again.
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Do you think this big egg recall will cause some cities to relax laws on keeping chickens? It would be nice for more people to be able to have them as pets or livestock.

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