are ducks loud?

No kidding... The people two houses down have 3 dogs and they start barking at 6 am.... The people behind us on the left have a miniature dockson... I barks constantly at everything... even air planes...
My ducks make some noise in the mornings ( females) and then quiet down.. and if they are surprised etc..

someone moved in down the block with another big dog that we could hear barking off and on through out the day and night it has a deep voice but loud.

Neighbors to our left moved in a couple of months ago.. they have 6 dogs.. 4 lopso opsoos and two blue hillers.. but they aren't there very often with the dogs.. they have a ranch in riesel and only bring the dogs in every so often.. They get loud too .
I have 6 ducks and a gander, and they are much quieter than the neighborhood kids and dogs.

The (female) ducks are louder than the drakes, but they don't quack frequently. And even when they do the quacking is intermittant and short in duration. Not a big deal. Even my African gander is only sporatically vocal, and only briefly.

They all go in the barn at night like the chickens, and come out during "normal business hours," another thing to consider when keeping fowl. Most folks don't have problems with quacking (or crowing or honking) if it's happening when 1. everyone is at work, school, etc. and 2. when the kids are playing and shrieking, and the dogs are playing and barking, lawnmowers are roaring, construction workers are operating equipment, neighbors are playing stereos, revving motorcycles and otherwise doing the noisy stuff that is involved in living.
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My female pekin is CRAZY loud. In fact, while I type, I'm thinking she may have to move out :-( This morning she is especially loud!
I have Welsh Harlequins and Khaki Campbells, and one WH girl is especially loud, but only in the morning when she wants out of the pen. They are fairly quiet the rest of the day, but will quack if they want something; usually when they see me and want a treat!
WH can be a bit demanding...LOL

I thought just my girls were loud, but when I went to pick up my new drake, citychickers hen was just as loud as my mouthy girls. The loudest duck I have had so far is a buff. I sold her to someone WITHOUT close neighbors
Yes! I have magpies,cayuga and sweeds and they can be very vocal! My neighbor has a 10 acre pond and wild mallards and wood ducks(aprox 60) flew in and They all scream for the food man. Doubled his food bill. I thought it was funny I gave him a few extra drakes that I had and he complained about everything.
Now I said good for you you have 62 Ha!
I have 2 female runners, 2 female WH's, 1 female golden white layer and 1 male golden white layer. I never hear them. The only time they get loud is when I am in the pen messing around, or giving them treats. My chickens would make noises all day (no rooster). I don't know if they are so quiet because they are young, 8 weeks or what. When they were inside in a small pen, they were always talking. They also have only been out a week and a half, so maybe that is why they are so quiet?

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