Are my chicks pullers or cockerels?!?!


Jul 17, 2015
im pretty sure they Are both pullers but if there cockerels I can't keep them:(


Sorry the pics are so grainy
Okay so the first picture is my 7 week old EE or Americana ( I dont know witch one) my guess is pulley
Second picture is my 6 week old New Hampshire red and I'm really sure she's a pullet but I want to make sure:)
It seems a little early to me to be sure. There's nothing obvious screaming "cockerel" to me, but there wasn't anything obvious on 2 of mine when they were that age and they both ended up being cockerels. You'll have to wait and see. Sorry this wasn't more helpful!
It seems a little early to me to be sure. There's nothing obvious screaming "cockerel" to me, but there wasn't anything obvious on 2 of mine when they were that age and they both ended up being cockerels. You'll have to wait and see. Sorry this wasn't more helpful!

I'll put better pics and maybe you'll be able to tell?

Wait until they grow out their hackle ( neck) feathers. If they are pointed at the end, it is a boy. If they are rounded at the end, it is a girl.
Best Regards,

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