Are my girls true breeds? (Pics included)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 31, 2011
We have had these girls for awhile now. We got them back in February or March. After being on here for awhile I am concerned that perhaps we were sold what we thought were true breed chickens and maybe they are not. So I am posting some pictures for feedback on breeds. Above each picture I will let you know what breed it was sold to us as. Thanks for your help!

We were told these were black australorp. We have three of these. Two have black colored eyes and one has more gold around the pupil.

We were told this was an Araucana. I am certain that this is probably just an EE after reading through all the posts on here.

This was sold to us as a Barred Rock. Just a side note, I love her floppy comb! Half the time she can't see out of one eye because of how much it falls over.

She is supposed to be a Buff Orpington. Until today I hadn't notice that she does have some black on a couple of her tail feathers.

Here is a picture of all of them together.

Thanks for your help!
I think your guesses on your girls are right. Your "Auracana" is definitely an EE - generally, if it has a butt and no ear tufts, then it'll be an EE as opposed to a true Auracauna. The Buff Orp looks like every BO I've ever seen. Sometimes, they do get a bit of black on the feathers - it disqualifies them for showing, but they're still a BO. Nice looking chickens you got there!
Thanks! We enjoy them and they all lay very well for us!! Except for the Buff...she is ALWAYS broody! Today was her first day out of the coop in 22 days. We felt sorry for her sitting on golf balls so we stuck eggs under her. She has become our designated hatcher!!

Our EE is a great bird! She lays a beautiful blue egg and talks to you non-stop when you are there. We have nine chicks in a brooder that will join these 6 eventually.
Hi busyteacher!
I have purebred Australorps, and your girls look just like them, except for the one with the brownish / gold eye. I was told by the breeder when I bought mine that the purebreds have black or VERY dark eyes, and the black layer crosses have the brown eye. They are all gorgeous girls!
Thanks! You can see the one with the gold eyes in the picture with the BR. They are all great layers which is all that really matters to us, I was just curious. In fact, of the 9 chicks in the brooder only 1 is going to be a true breed! I think the mixed breeds sometimes make the prettiest chickens.
Her legs were yellow when we hither but have slowly changed over the last few months.

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