Are my Muscovies boys or girls?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
Gainesville, FL
Hi all, I have had these guys for 2 weeks now. The breeder said it is two hens and one drake, but after looking at some pics and videos on youtube, I kinda think I might have two drakes and one hen. I am a new duck owner, and would love to know what ya'll think, thanks! :)

Also, the lady said the two darks ones are 6 months old and the chocolate is around 5 months old.

Muscovy drakes are substantially larger than the ducks - about 50% bigger. My flock consists of 2 drakes, 4 ducks, and although they all looked interchangeable until they were about 8 weeks old, at that time the boys suddenly took off and in only a couple of weeks it was clear who was who. It is hard to tell in your photos but they all look about the same size, which would indicate they are all the same gender if they are already 5-6 months old. Without a size comparison, it is hard to tell size but they don't look that big to me so I would guess they are all girls.
The males ussually have bigger feet and thicker legs, they'll also grow a bit faster then the females, and their red comb will become nuch bigger then the females, covering around their eyes, beak and in some ducks partially down their necks.
I might very well have two drakes then........The chocolate is so much smaller than the other two. I thought maybe it was just because they were older than her, but those two are exactly the same size and both have huge feet :(
. i'll show you a shot of 2 of my almost 4mth olds... the ducklet is on the right, drakelet on the left. The ducks will be much smaller than any drake of the equal aging as well, facial flesh varies in amounts in both genders and at juvenile stages near impossible to use as a guide. With my last hatch i could tell by 5wks who was the lone ducklet out of the 9 that hatched, it was that obvious.

Pictures are hard to go by as they can be deceptive, from the shot of all 3 it "appears" that the chocolate is a duck and the other two drakes since the chocolate appears to be smaller BUT that could just be the angle at which the picture is taken. How do the ducks respond vocally? drakes only hiss, ducks have various sounds trills, coos, and of coarse a honk/quack by the aging of yours this should be able to be picked up upon.

Sorry miss-read the aging, it still appears like the chocolate is the girl, the other two boys but frankly, i am finding lately this gender guessing rather exhaustive. In real life it honestly, is super obvious vs online which is quite deceptive... i've been questioned enough about the ages of mine because of this lack of clarity. Good luck either way, nice birds!
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they are bigger because they are older, and I am talking leg thickness, not foot size when I was mentioning the size before.

Oh i see they are a month apart missed that, although honestly they don't look it in development... they still look 2 drakes and 1 duck to me but i give up with it honestly
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