Are there anyways to deter foxes?

"Fear mongering" it ain't! I've seen rabies, in a 'pet' raccoon, and because the poor little guy was tested, nobody died. 30+ people were vaccinated over that one, years ago. Nobody wants to take chances with this disease, because it is so lethal. Before more dogs in the USA were vaccinated, many people here died too.
And worldwide right now, 50,000 to 60,000 people, mostly children, die every year of this disease.
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Most of the stuff I hear about rabies strikes me as fear mongering for the pharmaceutical industry to make more money. Rabies has a 100% lethality rate, I doubt it's anywhere near as common as they claim

Most wild animals aren't disease riddled zombies

Source: animals that most,US were infected by bats.
I was just askin if it became a big problem for what rifle srry. I have a bb gun would that work to if I dont need to kill it.
if you want to scare it away maybe just shoot close enough to it to have the fox notice it also try putting something spicy like (I haven't tried this yet)Jalapenoes might work if their potent enough foxes hate spicy and chickens cant taste capsasin (the natural chemical that makes things spicy)and if it doesn't deterr the fox its good for your chickens I just have my dog chase after it cuz we live in the country
when I finally kill this fox I plan to put the body in my creek to wash off any fleas or ticks that might be on there then skin it and make a hat or cloak out of it.Dont worry it wont feel any pain if it doesn't move too much but I'm an over protective chicken mama and my favorite laying hen got taken so it should make us even y'know a life for a life
half of the men in my family got bitten by my sisters cat who got bitten by a Tomcat and when they went to the doctor he said ''Whats a Tomcat?'' he also said "It probably wont amount to anything but just in case'' and gave them the shots and then we got the rabies test results back for the cat and it was positive so be very careful about it btw the cat was very young when my sister took it in cause it was a stray and it got all of its shots but it was too young for the rabies shot so they didn't give it to her and then she got rabies and had to be put down cause my sister didnt know it hadn't had its rabies shot as well as all the other shots thank you for coming to my Ted talk
And its not illegal or animal abuse to shoot a fox with a rifle if its destroying or damaging property outside of its season
It's not illegal to 'kill' an animal that's predating your livestock (most rural places I know of). It is, however, illegal to inhumanely harm them by shooting them short of killing them humanely. So, the .22 with correct shot placement or the 30-30 if you can't make a 2" group with the .22. Semantics matter, 'shooting' and 'killing' are different things.
I'm not fast enough with the gun. I use a product called "Predator Eye". Since I installed a set of them in the yard have not had fox, coyote, coons or cats in the yard. As this is a night deterrent it will not work in daylight.
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Most of the stuff I hear about rabies strikes me as fear mongering for the pharmaceutical industry to make more money. Rabies has a 100% lethality rate, I doubt it's anywhere near as common as they claim

Most wild animals aren't disease riddled zombies
The past 5 years or so there’s been a few cases of rabid foxes around here. One was only a few miles from my house which was concerning to me but I have yet to see a rabid fox. I’ve seen plenty of reds with mange and raccoons with distemper though.
The past 5 years or so there’s been a few cases of rabid foxes around here. One was only a few miles from my house which was concerning to me but I have yet to see a rabid fox. I’ve seen plenty of reds with mange and raccoons with distemper though.
I've personally encountered one rabid animal in all my years. It was a bat that circled around me for around 20 minutes and then landed on me and attempted to climb into my clothes for around 10 minutes. It was a freaky experience but I wasn't bit or scratched at all

So rabies encounters = 1
Number of times bitten or scratched by wild animals or strange dogs = 0

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