Are there lung infections you can catch from a chicken?

I was just curious because of the nodules found inside the lung. Supposedly it can stem from bacterial and fungal infections in the lung also. I am not a smoker, or ever really been around smokers and am on the low risk side for other causes so I am just looking for paths to check into on causes.
I suppose you can get infections from just about anything. With me it is little kids. Every time I get around them within a few days I am sick with some respiratory infection or other.
Pigeon lung or extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Caused by breathing fine dust or dander that accumulates in cages coops or aviaries. Symptoms include:Hypersentivity pneumonia, lung inflammation, impaired lung function, shortness of breath, fatigue, cough, fever, chills, body aches, coughing. It is a progressive condition that can worsen with each exposure. Hopefully, this is not what you have, but your doctor should check for it, and you should wear a mask when cleaning pens or working with birds in an enclosed environment. Good luck in finding a diagnosis and the cause of your problem.

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