Are these almost 5 week old EEs cockerels? (pic heavy)


10 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Mohave County, Arizona
The dark one I hatched out on the 19th of March. The light one is a hatchery EE hatched on the 17th of March. It was really hard to get the pics because they don't want to stand still. I have somebody that wants both of them if they're cockerel. Anyway, the dark one first...

I see three rows here.

And here's the light one. I really hope this one is a girl. I love the coloring.

I feel like I can see three rows when I'm looking at this one, but I really can't tell.

The first one looks like a pullet, but the second one kind of worries me since the pattern looks like of splotchy. But hopefully you have two girlies there
Cute. Usually the ones I see like that are boys. But that's a nice hen

Yeah. It's very hard to tell with EEs because the hens can also have rooster coloring/patterns. I wait for saddle/hackle feathers or for their combs to start getting bigger, or reddening up before the others. I have Cochin/EEs that are about 6 weeks old and it is very apparent there are 3 out of 8 that are cockerels because their combs are big and red.

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