Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

Anyone want an emu chick or two? Two more are “scheduled” to hatch this weekend. Not counting todays egg that has broken through the shell.

Arms Emu GIF
Coffee just came outta my nose
Pile of peeps…

The 6th chick I put out with everyone else. It couldn’t walk completely, but no one picked on it.

Dna results should be back soon. I think all 6 are males 🤨 orange banded one is my only hope. Two more are hatching tomorrow and I will be out of town. Another race, but this time it’s 100 miles and is over 4.5 hours. Hope the hatching goes alright! I won’t be here to help.

As of right now none have sold and 4 people want females. We have a two acre field that’s fenced down below our wetlands. Might have a young mob of emus down there soon! But it needs work. Lots of predators and the fencing/electric fencing needs repairs. Or this field… 🤔 but would have to give up the dirt bike track.
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How was your competition? How’s da bay bays?
Morning! The race was painful. Not sure where I placed, but it was a lot of work. Never been so happy to see a teeny tiny sign that says 3 miles left 😍

The little ones are great! One hatched Friday while I was gone. It’s currently in with the others In the brooder. One was sold Saturday. So currently 6 wee ones still.

There’s one egg that’s supposed to be hatching any day. It was dated with 2/12 like the Friday hatcher. It’s still wiggling. Strange thing is, this one was the one found in the mud possibly weeks after it was laid. So just glad it made it this far.

Then the Easter Hatchalong eggs are next.
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The other 2/12 didn’t make it 🥺

I checked it for wiggles a few minutes ago and there was nothing. Then I noticed the entire egg was cooling off quick. When I would turn it a little, it would roll right back to the same position. Meaning the chick was not alive. Learned this on the first few chicks that didn’t make it.

Bummer! Another thing I noticed is the umbilical cord was off to the side a ways. Not centered like the others. It may have died to internal complications or could have just been a small deformity. I’d post a photo, but some people can’t handle it.
Ok, poor little bugger, for educational purposes… don’t click spoiler if you don’t want to see a dead chick with a small deformity.
Thanks for sharing, it really is educational! After zooming in, I wonder if some of his internal organs are on the outside?

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