Are these old mite eggs? (Pictures)

To determine if your fowl have lice/mites, pick a couple off the roost at night and examine under their tail and around their vent with a flshlight. If you see any minute bugs scurrying for cover, you`ve got them. If one has them, they all do. Clean out the coop and dust everything with sevin including the chickens. DE is good for maintainance, but lacks the strength to stop an infestation. In severe cases, it may be necessary to dip all of the birds in a bucket of Adams flea and tick dip, mixed as directed. Good luck.........Pop
i dealt with that today & pulled a few of those off of my boys. Luckily only three of my 10 chickens had them. I treated everyone & everything with the spray & medicated vaseline. Good luck & youre not a wuss for hopping in the shower right away - im still itching & i did it at 3 this afternoon. & took an hour long shower....
So I checked everyone out and didn't find any creepy crawlys on anyone. However, the Redstar (the other adoptee) had two feathers with the eggs on them. I plucked them out. Strangly, her vent area was pretty clean and she does produce eggs on a regular basis.

Should I Still get the stuff to get rid of mites/lice even if I don't see any?

even though you dont see any, id still treat the coops & do a quick spray or dust on them just in case. plus, treating each bird gives you some bonding time with each one of them - it was kinda fun for me
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If you have just one bird that presents evidence of an infestation of any kind, you need to treat the birds and where they live.

Sevin dust or Oxine (expensive) will do. You can put the Sevin dust on the birds. Check every ones legs too for scaly leg mites.

MITE, LICE, SCALY LEG MITE and WORMS are just part of owning a flock of chickens. No need for any one to be embarrassed. Treat early, treat often.

Change your bedding if you use straw or shavings. Clean your chicken living quarters every other month by taking your flock out completely. I use stall safe cause I can not afford the oxine.
I see people at the bird shows using frontline spray- is this for mites and lice? seems like that would work on the animal only.
I'm dealing with critters in our bedding, big-time. It's been 98 degrees -> drenching rain -> 96 degrees -> 98% humidity -> drenching rain. It's become impossible to keep anything dry, and my coops are open on the south side, so it's just ridiculous now. This morning I dunked 17 4-week old chicks in Oxine solution in my bathroom, where they're now drying (about 85 degree in there with the window shut). I'm also running a vaporizer with Oxine in it in the bathroom whole they dry. Holy cow, what a mess.

Now to deal with the 15 adults... and the coops. I (unfortunately) have dirt floors, so I need to scrape everything out, spray the heck out of the entire thing with Oxine (I'm thinking I'll use a hose-fertilizer-sprayer attachment since I don't have a high-powered fogger??) then put fans on the whole thing to really dry. In the meantime, figure out a dry, secure place to put everybody because the resident fox AND her kit were out there again this morning. Thank goodness for my guineas who alert me to predators, and send the chickens running when they scream.

On top of all this, I really think I need to worm them all, so bought some Wazine, which I've never used before. (Any better suggestions for worming? I'm looking for DE around here, too. Think I have to treat with wormer first, then use DE on an ongoing preventive basis??)

One thing's for sure... I will NEVER allow bedding to get this wet, or this old again. Experienced folks here say "prevention, not treatment" over and over but honestly, I didn't take it seriously enough. Now I've got a disaster on my hands!! (I'm also going to learn to mix/pour concrete next week to make the floor for a new coop... I've got to have something I can spray out with a pressure washer in the future.)

(Just FYI - I've seen people say Oxine is too expensive, but I learned that if you contact the manufacturer and get in contact with the distributor, it's not bad. A gallon apparently lasts a LONG time, using 6.5 ounces per gallon... )

Hope everyone's doing better than this!!

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