Are these silkies?

Weirdest looking Silkies I have ever seen. That includes cheap hatchery yard birds that were not well cared for. Weirder than from "chicken mills". Eeeeeek! Those combs! What are they???
I do not believe those to be pure anything except for maybe the splash pullet in the back towards the left, the others are mutts. As others have said the comb, wattles, stiff feathers, number of toes and bad foot feathering. They may have some silkie running in the gentics but noway pure. Also they do not appear to have been taken the best care of. I would run not walk away. I included some pics of my babies for you to compare. Now my babies are not perfect but are 100% silkies. You can find better and I find the prices to be reasonabe. Keep looking I am sure you will find some soon. Who wants all roo's anyway.

Silkies can have red combs and waddles and a single comb actually. Ya know breeders almost always have one hatch that has a single comb, red skin, or almost no middle toe feathering. Those are just pet quality culls. Just because the standard calls for something and the chickens doesnt have it, that doesnt make it a mutt. Thats not to say that the silkies in the pictures arent mutts though. Who knows what genetics are behind those!
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I totally agree in all hatches there will be some pet quality culls but they have multiple faults. I just think the op can come across better quality, and not all roos. They are very ugly to be called silkie anything. In my opinion I would walk away and find a better quality. But I like my Silkies to be the big poof balls. I do have qualities in my own flock I would like to improve on but starting with those it would take me an awful long time. Especially with only one hen and all those roo's.

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