Are they Marans???


Sep 23, 2016
Hi everyone. I hatched some chicks in an incubator and got 2 beauties. The lady i bought the eggs from has several different chicken breeds. She told me they were a mixed batch. The 2 thathatched are the same breed. I think they are Marans, but im not an expert. Can anyone help? Thanks x
Hi everyone. I hatched some chicks in an incubator and got 2 beauties. The lady i bought the eggs from has several different chicken breeds. She told me they were a mixed batch. The 2 thathatched are the same breed. I think they are Marans, but im not an expert. Can anyone help? Thanx

Like Cel45 mentioned. What were the color of the eggs they hatched from? I think from their coloring, they'd have to be Blue or Blue Copper Marans if they are Marans. This image shows 2 Blue Copper Marans eggs...

If the egg color was white, it's possible they are Andalusian. The face of the visible chick is dark compared to my Blue Copper Marans.

If the breeder of these chicks didn't keep her breeds separate, then all bets are off. Most likely mixed parentage.

Really need better pictures. What color are the legs and soles of the feet?

(Oh, and ya... as mentioned by others. That front chick is definitely a cockerel)
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Are there feathers on the legs? That would point to Maran as well. Per another post - were they dark or spotted eggs?
Yes one is definetly a cockerel. The lady kept her hens seperate so they should not be mixed breed. They dont have feathered feet and the eggs were cream. I shall try and show you a better picture x

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