Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

I wish I could find a small car like a Geo around here. With prices like they are people have bought up the small cars to be easier on gas.

Well I know one thing. If someone wants kudzu I know where to tell them to find it! Haha I'm literally surrounded by it!
Just for the record I have no hard feelings toward Joe and hope he has none toward me.

I'm sitting here at my laptop contemplating the brooders I need to build. I should
have done it 2 weeks ago but that would have meant Home Depot runs and
actually doing it.


I could go to Petsmart, buy a few dog crates, modify them a little, and have that project

Joe seems to be the kind of no-nonsense guy who would just go with option #2.
1acre, I don't know you well but I suspect, like me, would go with option #1.
I bet they'd be some nice brooders.

Now, wood or pvc? Hmmmmmmm
Should I take the gas guzzler that I can carry wood and pvc on easily or struggle with
my little truck? Decisions.....

You can always go to the enemy (walmart) and buy those $10.00 sterlite totes and cover them with a wire cover and your done. Just thought I would share the 3rd option. They work really good and while your there you can get those ceiling hooks that you hang plants on they work really nice over the top of the brooder to adjust your heat lamp. Just another thought. Also those totes clean up really nice and no drafts get thru. Thanks for letting me share
Two gas stations in our little town of Mountain Home were shut down this last week for gouging. Gas here is 3.79.

China and India won't be able to support the lifestyle we have lived here. The consumer jere is too stressed. If we don't buy their " STUFF" who will support them?

It's time to get back to the basics.

Respectfully as always..............
Umm, probably the rest of Europe. China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world.

Unlike the USA & Canada, they are in a manufacturing boom, & I continue to buy stock in 3rd world companies cause they actually have worker's who WORK.
Umm, probably the rest of Europe. China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world.

Unlike the USA & Canada, they are in a manufacturing boom, & I continue to but stock in 3rd world companies cause they actually have worker's who WORK.
Our gas went up to $140.2/litre the other day, I filled up the truck today in Belleville at $118.5/litre, now I was down there getting stuff for the chickens, in Marmora/Stirling area gas was at $125.5/litre

I don't know how much that is in gallons, isn't it 4 litres to the gallon?

That'd make it the other day $5.60/gallon, and in Belleville today $4.74/gallon, and in Marmora/Stirling, $5.02/gallon

This is ridiculous, it IS gouging because Canada has NO shortage of oil

Also, our truck can run on ethanol fuel, unfortunately we don't have any ethanol stations... so where is the point in us having an ethanol capable (basically flex-fuel) truck if you can't buy ethanol fuel?! And yet 15 minutes away is an ethanol plant.....

It's a 2008 Ford F-150
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It strikes me as crazy that Canada's gas prices are so high, especially since there is
so much oil in the ground, shale, and off shore there. I constantly get financial
emails talking about Chinese companies buying up or getting very lucrative leases
on Canadian land. Something seems wrong with that.

This year Alaskans are getting $3200 per citizen funded by taxes that multinational
oil companies pay to lease land on the Northern Slope area and pump oil out of it.
I am no socialist but it only seems fair that the people who OWN the fuel get something
for it.
Unfortunately a lot of western Canada's oil I believe is American Interest.... Which would mean that the US pumps the oil, and we buy back from them or something stupid like that.

We pay A LOT for gas, and if Dion becomes PM we'll be paying even more, the same with heating fuel (which most of rural ontario runs their furnaces on... and there is A LOT of rural ontario aha), A Carbon tax will be introduced, along with numerous more taxes, plus our GST going up. Also, our energy rates are going up in my area, something like 1.9% more in October.

I still don't understand paying that extra money for a flex-fuel car, having an ethanol plant 15 minutes away, and yet there are no ethanol gas stations here... I have never even seen an ethanol gas station!
Unfortunately a lot of western Canada's oil I believe is American Interest.... Which would mean that the US pumps the oil, and we buy back from them or something stupid like that.

We pay A LOT for gas, and if Dion becomes PM we'll be paying even more, the same with heating fuel (which most of rural ontario runs their furnaces on... and there is A LOT of rural ontario aha), A Carbon tax will be introduced, along with numerous more taxes, plus our GST going up. Also, our energy rates are going up in my area, something like 1.9% more in October.

I still don't understand paying that extra money for a flex-fuel car, having an ethanol plant 15 minutes away, and yet there are no ethanol gas stations here... I have never even seen an ethanol gas station!

That's sad and if it's true, as an American, I'm ashamed. I support the oil companies
as free enterprise but I think the oil and mining companies all get too good of a deal,
whether in the US or CA, because of secret money trasnsfers.

Flexfuel is a joke anyways. You should be able to fill up on petrol because CA owns
a lot fo it and you are a citizen of Canada. Why do multinational oil companies get
a better deal than true citizens? Maybe CA isn't the socialist country many of us
Americans think it is.


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