Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

Guess I gotta say something on this. Call your state attorney general. This IS price gouging. A friend of ours owns a gas station. they are only allowed to change the price of gas like 1-2 times a day! So, if they are changing it again and again, it is illegal!! Here is the kicker, many people don't know this, they are really only supposed to change the price depending on how much they pay for it when they get it. So, if they get a truck load on tuesday, they can only change the price so much until the next truck comes in on say friday. They can't pay 3.50 a gallon and charge you $6.50. And, a lot of gas stations get the phone call from the companies' owner to change the price. Please, I know that you get angry, but don't yell at them. They have to pay the same price as you. I don't know any gas stationt that gives their employees free or discounted gas. Many of the employees at ticked off about it and will give you info and receipts, as long as you don't tell that they helped you,(They don't want to lose their jobs). Make sure you get picks of the signs, and if possible the price on the pumps, and receipts! The more people that report it, the sooner they will look into it. If you have a receipt, you will get a refund once they find that gouging has occurred.
Sorry, this just irritates me. I hate people trying to make money off a disaster or catastrophe. As if things aren't bad enough as it is.


DMK Ranch
I really wish the US would tell OPEC to pound sand. Seriously... we're under $100 a barrel but because Ike "may" shut down refineries, gas is $6.79 a gallon?
DH read someplace that OPEC reps from Saudi Arabi are now refusing to sit in on the meetings, and Saudi Arabi IS OPEC, essentially. Maybe we'll get lucky and see the fall of OPEC?
Can someone please explain to me how gas stations can be out of gas already? The hurricane hasn't even hit. I understand that the rigs are shut down, but they have been drilling up until a day or two ago, right? What happened with all that oil? And that in the refineries?
There are two gas stations that we passed on the way home from dinner and they were both not selling gas! Thats how they are gonna start a panic! :thun
in Ontario Canada we are sitting at average $1.35 per liter

If my math is right thats about $5 a about price gouging

(i have to convert from metric to imperial...3.78 L per US gallon I think)
People are gearing up to evacuate and filling up their vehicles. Wholesale price for gas can easily hit $5 (according to MSN...) and who knows if these stations can or will pay for it. Buying at $5 means selling for $7, as Cyn has witnessed.
Not only that, but I'm sure there are people who read the news online and figured gas will go up, so they filled their tanks ASAP.

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