Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

Filled up all three vehicles this morning at $3.39, $3.59 (premium for the beemer).

If it's over $6, it's called price gauging and in some states, they can be prosecuted.
I have a friend who rides her horse to the bank and goes through the drive-up window!!
Will have to see if I can get a picture.

I'm going weigh in here, because I actually know something about alternative fuels. I have sitting in my lot a 1965 Ford F-350 that has always run on propane. What is that, 43 years? I will admit that it is on it's second engine. The first had over a million miles. This is what gets me. The technology exists for CNG, and has for many years, and is not expensive. In the mid nineties GM had a production electric car. I'm not talking about a prototype, but an assembly line production automobile. Susposedly they were discontinued in 1999 because of no new battery technology. The batteries in them were very good as they were. I have two that I bought as surplus that I use for jumpers, that seem to never lose their charge. I drove one the EV-1's in 1997 that a friend had leased. I thought it was phenomenal.
I truly do not understand American Big Business. It seems to me take have lost the ability to make money.
Yes gas prices are high. Yes it is a problem but we really should look to the past before we start wringing our hands and crying out. We have had more and worse problems in our nations young history and thanks to pluck and determination came through them just fine if not better. Recall VALLEY FORGE, recall the CIVIL WAR, recall the GREAT DEPRESSION, recall the DUST BOWL, recall WATERGATE. Just to name a few. Think about Great Britain standing alone under attack from Nazi Germany, Her cities bombed nightly.

Winston Churchill said it better than anyone else EVER!

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Why do gas stations raise their prices on the gas they already have in their tanks before they have to buy gas at the new higher prices????????
As someone else mentioned, gas stations price their gas at the replacement price. When they make their order, they have to sell their current inventory at high enough price to replace it and make a profit.

We in the west have our gasoline refined in California, that is why our prices have not risen so drastically.

About four years ago, the pipeline to Tucson went out. It was old and rusty. Anyway, the price of gasoline went way up in Phoenix, but it was all gone real quick, and then it didn't matter what the price was because there wasn't any to be had.

To make more $$$$.

They're a bunch of greedy ___________.

Fill in the blank.

It's not the gas station owners who are the problem. Read back through the thread, especially Purple Chicken's posts--he has experience as a station owner. They're not raking in dough on the price of gasoline by any means. The rising or falling of gas prices has very little effect on the station owner's bottom line, other than the amount of customers coming in.

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