Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

When I mentioned this in my earlier post I think everyone thought I was joking.

Why would anyone take that as a joke? I for one think you are on to something. I knew I had read it somewhere which triggered me to do a search on it. Thank you for bringing it up. I have a neighbor right now who has several bushels of apples laying on the ground rotting. It would be nice to have a still to put those in. There is more than fifty acres of kudzu within walking distance of me as well.

The DOT would probably pay you to keep areas along the highways harvested.
The bottom line on energy prices is availability. You see the USA is used to being heavy consumers of gasoline. Families in the USA have multiple cars. Kids have their own cars when they are 16. We are a nation of consumers....and when I say consumers I mean people who consume resources. We are very privileged to live the lifestyle we live even if we are hurting now that prices are high. We waste, spend, and want everything now. Before anyone jumps on me for saying that.... think about it. We do have a lot and we want more. Credit card debt is rising at an unprecedented rate.... we are still spending!

I sat through a briefing last week and learned some interesting things about what the future might hold. It's not pretty. Here's one....

For those of you that have not yet heard about this new vehicle it will sell for $2,300 and the company expects to sell over 2 million the first year!

Before you race out to get one...... bad news is it will be manufactured and sold in India. It was supposed to be released in December...but the company is having issues with farmers causing trouble because of the land that was given to the company for the factory. It will be delayed but I doubt it will be delayed for too much time. So, you wonder what does this have to do with us? I'll tell you.

China and India are starting to enjoy the luxury's that people of the USA have taken for granted. They are making money and are starting to be the consumers of resources .... just like us! THAT is what is causing the shortage and demand for refined gasoline. When you consider that the 2 million people that buy the Nano vehicle will be 2 million NEW consumers of gasoline that have never had a vehicle before. This is solid NEW consumption. You think gas prices are high now, look for $6 plus within the year as we compete for resources with India and China. This is a fact.

Couple that with the USA not being willing to drill in our own back yard and our partisan politics that is crippling our nation..... you better get ready for some hard times. I'm sorry to say what we have seen so far is a drop in the bucket of what's to come.
I see those little cars and think about how bad it would be to be in one of those during a serious collision. It looks like almost certain death or a very maiming injury. I've seen a few on the roads and just can't imagine it. I suppose it's no worse then driving a motorcycle though....but still...yikes.
As North American's we have fairly low fuel prices compared to many European nations & elsewhere in the world. You can expect current prices to double by 2012. If you can't handle the reality of the situation I suggest you move.

Venezuela sells gas for 12 cents a US gallon.

Mexico $2.62

Cairo $1.24

Tehran 41 cents

(All prices from July 2008),0,5094314.graphic
That is a valid point. Think of this though. If we find ways to make other vehicles smaller and lighter to save gas those vehicles will be a little safer.
In florida they are cracking down on gas stations.

Subpoenas to go out in face of gas hikes
Florida's Attorney General's Office says it will start serving 16 gas companies with subpoenas. That's after residents reported gas stations increasing prices in the wake of Hurricane Ike.

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