are y'all better off than you were 4 years ago ?

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Fortunately the country you live in gives you the freedom to leave, if you so choose.

Not on your life. I will stand and fight the ruins that half of this nation seems determined to put itself into. Most of the people who are so very happy about this election, had no clue what they voted for-marriage rights? (State level) Women's rights? (Again state level) Benghazi? ignored completely. Solydra, and so many others? Ignored completely. 1.8 BILLION dollars to a terrorist organization? Nobody cares. Why did you vote this way? Obamacare? Read the document-it's not so good. Taxes have gone way up, and they will continue, while more money is pronted, and our dollar is worth next to nothing. Does any of this mean anything?
Just because you're happy about this doesn't mean I will disappear and get out of your way. I will be that in your face person, I have a right to be, and because I have the right of free speech in addition to the right to leave, you offered, I'll tell it to you straight.

Don't the liberals just dream of the day that Conservatives and Republicans would get out of their way? Not on your life, sister. That's not how we are made. I'll be right here, making sure my children don't lose their constitutional rights simply because some folks wanted things that the president has nothing to do with.

But thanks for the snarky offer.
It was very adult big girl panties of you.

There are some pretty horrendous tax penalties for changing citizenship. Check with a good tax lawyer before you make a change.
LOL. As if I'd leave. This is my country. I LOVE America and all it symbolizes. Of course we have 4 more years of disaster ahead. My question is simply...

Who's he gonna blame now?
You know what really frosts me about this whole thing? Both sides blame each other for this mess when they ALL contributed!!! Before he was President, Obama threatened to sue banks if they didn't give high risk loans to low income people and lobbied Congress to pass regulation forcing the banks to do so. Then people on BOTH sides of the aisle worked TOGETHER to pass the regulation, all in an effort to buy votes, and then signed into law by then President Bush(43). Now it's not his fault? Right Barry. I'm calling out ALL of them on this. We have Democrats who dictatorial in their attitude and Republicans who are really progressive and that undermine the very Republic their party was named for. Hypocrites. They make the mess and guess who's gonna have to clean it up? That's right, us.
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LOL. As if I'd leave. This is my country. I LOVE America and all it symbolizes. Of course we have 4 more years of disaster ahead. My question is simply...

Who's he gonna blame now?
I would not be too concerned about the next four years since I am betting that in 2016 Hillary will take it for the next eight. I would suggest that you get used to it. As Bod Dylan said, "The times they are a changin"
The very most HORRENDOUS tax penalty ALL of US will face in the next two years is Obamacare. Apparently, half of America is just too *(insert your own expletive here) to understand that.
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The arms treaty doesn't affect domestic laws regarding firearms. It is specifically for arms export. There is absolutely no compromise of the Constitution. Also, any treaty must be confirmed by the Senate, by a 2/3 majority. Take some time to read the numerous PolitiFact articles on the subject.
The arms treaty doesn't affect domestic laws regarding firearms. It is specifically for arms export. There is absolutely no compromise of the Constitution. Also, any treaty must be confirmed by the Senate, by a 2/3 majority. Take some time to read the numerous PolitiFact articles on the subject.

Yea, the arms treaty is not really the worry an I think its a dead issue for a while anyway. The US was not the only country that had issue with it.

This on the other hand is what I am watching.
I do not expect another AWB as it will need to pass through the house and that won't happen with the current house.
What I expect is executive orders and directives out of the DOJ. I'm not sure how can be done there, but it will certainly be an angle that will be examined.
Then there is the UN treaty. From my understanding, it takes 2/3 of present senators to pass. It does not take 2/3 of all senators, only 2/3 of those that are present when the vote is taken. With some creative scheduling this can be easily accomplished. All one needs to do is see how Charlie Rangel passed the Hughes amendment to see how easily our legislative system can be overridden.
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