are y'all better off than you were 4 years ago ?

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I do not expect another AWB as it will need to pass through the house and that won't happen with the current house.
What I expect is executive orders and directives out of the DOJ. I'm not sure how can be done there, but it will certainly be an angle that will be examined.
Then there is the UN treaty. From my understanding, it takes 2/3 of present senators to pass. It does not take 2/3 of all senators, only 2/3 of those that are present when the vote is taken. With some creative scheduling this can be easily accomplished. All one needs to do is see how Charlie Rangel passed the Hughes amendment to see how easily our legislative system can be overridden.
I am watching the executive order thing too but I bet some of the Republicans fold an play ball this term.

As for the UN thing. What happens if we sign it but the senate does not pass it? How does that play out with the rest of the world? What we think an what they think may not be the same an may cause effects to us without ever being passes.
You all throw up a lot to catch up on!

Firstly, punditry is what it is. I personally don't care for Bill O'Reilly myself as it's his personal opinion that military disability is considered a handout. I, myself, believe it's the least a government can do if you come home from defending your country with no hand to put out. I also refuse to believe an election was lost because an entire country has lost its sense of moral compass or that evil minorities are taking over. Check your statistics and see who is still the majority in the country.

Secondly, our country has been through much worse. Those of you living in the South will recall the War of Northern Aggression. Those of you in the North will know this as the "Civil War". Neither of these terms is necessarily accurately descriptive, but Americans have a knack for that!
Our country will not fall because of one man. We are much stronger than that. Presidents do not hold as much power as we give them credit for, so I hope you chose your Senators and Congressmen well! Also, we as a country must accept that we are not the controllers of all things, and there are certain factors out of our range of influence.

Lastly, I think the thing we can all agree on is that we would all welcome a center of road, thoughtful, intelligent candidate with good ideas and a knack for mending bridges. I personally believe that there are areas that the government is not welcome. The two major ones are my bedroom and my doctor's office. I would also like to say my wallet, but as long as the money being collected is reasonable and well-accounted for, I won't raise too much fur about it. I fancy myself an Independent, and would just like a candidate to focus on lowering spending, supports term limits in Congress, and an ability to seek out those who give sound expert advice in areas where he is lacking. I don't ask much. I only ask that your personal beliefs remain personal and do not find their way into my government and that we all learn to accept one another. See, I don't ask much at all!
Ed...regarding Supreme Court appointments the only sure one who is slated to retire is Ginsburg. What I would really like to see is either Scalia or Kennedy retire in the next four years as that would change the 5-4 makeup. We will have to be satisfied to leave Clarence Thomas' replacement to Hillary in 2016.
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