Are you a Roo?!


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2022
Hi everyone!

I have four lovely 7 week old chicks, but I'm having a terrible time trying to figure out if they are pullets or cockerels! I love them all to bits, and already know that I have one white cockerel. They were sold as EEs, but basically just came from blue or green eggs. I believe they are all mixed breed. Three of them have muffs, Ameraucana style, but all have different combs!

Photos 1&2 are Star

Photos 3&4 are Minty

Photos 5&6 are Cathy

Photos 7&8 are Peep (my 2yo named that one!)

Any help would be so appreciated! Thank you!


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Welcome to BYC. Peep *might* be a girl. The comb is pretty red, but it's also smaller than the others. More likely not, but possible. :(

I'm in the same boat -- hatched a bunch of Olive Eggers, only two were female, and I lost one of those to a hawk.

hey were sold as EEs, but basically just came from blue or green eggs.

Yes, any chicken that has (or potentially has), the gene for blue eggs is an Easter Egger regardless of what they look like. :)
Welcome to BYC. Peep *might* be a girl. The comb is pretty red, but it's also smaller than the others. More likely not, but possible. :(

I'm in the same boat -- hatched a bunch of Olive Eggers, only two were female, and I lost one of those to a hawk.

Yes, any chicken that has (or potentially has), the gene for blue eggs is an Easter Egger regardless of what they look like. :)
Thank you for your input! I'm so heartbroken, they are all so lovely. Statistically speaking, what are the odds I'd choose all cockerels 😅 and good to know about colours! Most EEs I see are more beige.

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