Are you kidding me?! Drano requires ID!

We are in what was once called the meth capitol (Crossville, Tennessee). I hate that stuff so badly. I see the SAME people get arrested for meth and then released the next day. They bring them in at least once a month or so and then charge them their fines and release them!
Worries me because I have a five year old boy and what will he be growing up in? Makes a gal wanna run back to her tiny home town in Florida.

Yes, I am shouting. If you are going to make soap, or cure olives, only use pure lye. Drano is not pure lye.

And actually, if you have blocked plumbing, don't use Drano for that, either. It probably won't remove the blockage and most plumbers will refuse to work on your plumbing if you've put Drano down the drain before you call them.

So you need to show ID. So what? You need to show ID on order to purchase several different items, like cigarettes and booze and spray cans of paint. Show your ID, buy your Drano, and get out of the store and get on with your life. It's not worth working yourself up into a self-rigtheous snit over it. If you don't like it, get involved in a letter writing campaign to your local law makers and work to get it changed. Do something about it. Whining doesn't do anything about it.

Putting ephinephrine behind the counters hasn't stopped Meth in Oregon, but it has nearly stopped Meth manufacturing. The meth labs were poisoning houses, the air, and the ground water. So at least they are no longer poisoning the rental houses and bathrooms at the rest stops in my area. That's a big plus in my book.
Putting ephinephrine behind the counters hasn't stopped Meth in Oregon, but it has nearly stopped Meth manufacturing. The meth labs were poisoning houses, the air, and the ground water. So at least they are no longer poisoning the rental houses and bathrooms at the rest stops in my area. That's a big plus in my book.

Exactly, large scale meth manufacturing was largely pushed out of Wa. & Or. because of the id and no more than 2 boxes laws. They tried hiring homeless people to buy for them, but that didn't work well.
Nothing new about these laws, I couldn't buy glue for my model planes when I was a kid in the early 70s.

I think what a lot of people are upset about is the disruption in their lives. I personally always feel vaguely guilty when I am asked for ID for something I am purchasing. I just know the checkers thoughts are going something like this "she's buying Sudafed, I bet she is getting a stock pile together to make meth" "I should try to remember her face just in case she comes back for more". Nothing like having an innocuous item become drug related! It almost makes you feel as if you are doing something wrong even though you are not. I agree we need much harsher punishments for drug abusers. Don't tell me it is an illness. I do not wake up one morning and say "you know what, I think I will hit up some of my friends and go see if they want to get some flu tonight" Drug use is a choice! One that is hurtful to yo , your family, friends and society. Quit coddling these guys, if after several convictions they persist in using or making drugs lock them up for life in solitary.
Sooo. . . .

I love geology, love collecting minerals/crystals/rocks the sort, . . .

I have a big chunk of Azurite (copper) that I got for a pretty penny.

Does that mean I shoulda been taxed or ID'ed for it because ya never know, I coulda bought it for the copper because, well, I just might be into Meth?

These places must see a 'profile.'
I think they trust I need the sudafed when I wheel my clogged up face in on a dolly.
I was kinda hurt when they quit asking for id when I purchased wine.
I am old now. sniff. sniff.
(but not anything volatile.)
Of course, the same people who are making these stupid laws, are the same ones who say we are racists, if we demand that an ID is presented at the voting booth....Go figure.

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