Are you my mother? (trying to figure out parentage)


9 Years
May 7, 2010
Midcoast, Maine
Hi everyone. I just hatched my first chicks from my own flock and I'm trying to figure out who they might have come from. In my flock I have a Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster, 7 Splash BLRW hens, 3 buff wyandotte hens, and a Buff Wyandotte rooster who I thought wasn't getting any action because of a muscular issue he's had since he was a chick that makes his movement very uncoordinated.

I was expecting two different patterns in my chicks: the products of the Splash rooster with either the splash or the buff hens. Instead I have chicks with 3 distinctly different down patterns. I would love some advice on who you think the parentage might be. Is the buff rooster a daddy? Or are the variations in down patterns due to variations in genes in the hens? Any info about the genes they carry would be great to learn as well.

On the left is the lightest of the chicks. No black at all. I'm thinking it might be the product of the buff rooster with a splash hen? On the right is the medium-colored chick with a brown/black/white chipmunk pattern. I'm thinking splash rooster with buff hen??

This is the one that I think is a pure splash BLRW after looking at my chick pictures from last year.

These are just wild guesses. I would love to hear what other folks think. And if you have any idea what each will grow up to look like that would be fun to know too! Thanks!
Maybe I posted this too early in the day when nobody was online yesterday.
I would love to get any insight into which of my birds might have parented these chicks. Thanks for your help!

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