are your dogs and chicken friends

our Peanut was wary at first, probably because the ducks chase him around the garden, but now with the baby chickens he wants to watch them all the time. and sniff them. the first meeting... well his face says it all.
My dogs are great with the chickens! I have three Cairn Terriers and nine chickens (three cats, parrot, pond....) The dogs are very protective of the girls. The chickens free-range when I'm home and the dogs have scared off hawks, stray cats, etc. We also have a barn cat who co-exists quite nice with them as well!

Here's Mac, a year ago with the chicks! So gentle
My Welsh terrier loves all baby animals. Last year a baby chick died and he laid down and put his head right next to her. It was obvious in his eyes he was sad. I just hatched 16 new chickies in this hatch-a-long...he was there every step of the way this weekend and is excited to be with the new babies. He gets so nervous around the tiny ones he shakes and licks his lips non stop....or he is thinking chicken dinner. :) But he is great with all the big girls.
We've been so thankful that our mixed dog has been good so far. Tikka is a Australian cattle dog mixed with Jack Russell, and I was worried about her prey drive. So far she seems to think of them as part of her pack, and when they are free ranging she will herd them back into the coop on command! I do not trust them alone, b/c any dog can snap if unsupervised, but so far so good!

Dogs, cats and chickens get along at our farm :)

Kitty "Cash" hatching something.....probably and evil plan!

"Roxie" our aussie and "Ingrid" the swedish flower hen frequently nap together in the sunshine. The hens will walk all over Roxie while she is laying on her bed sleeping. For some reason, they love to go inside her kennel and hang out....?

I would trust any of our 3 dogs, with the chicks, or even when they grow up. Two of the dogs are minpins {natural killers}, and the other is a just over 1 year, blue heeler pup. She already found a dead wild bird, and was chewing it. Yuk! Took it away and threw it in the trash. I wish I could trust our dogs around them though.

Great photos!

my lab loves my chickens:)

ETA: Roxy (the dog) is a hunting dog, and is used to retrieving ducks and geese throughout the fall. She just knows what kinda birds she can touch and birds that she can't touch.
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We have a golden retriever and we have a huge brooder it jumped up on it and started sniffing at them and would not get down, rascal, the dog is old. How can I tell if I can trust him around them?
This is our Lab/Rott mix "Missy". She loves to watch the chicks, but I'm afraid to let her get too close. She is a water/bird dog. She kills kittens (sad I know) and chases rabbits so I'm a little weary of letting her get too close to the chicks yet. They are 2 weeks old today and she is showing less interest in them. When they get a little bigger and she gets a little less interested maybe I will let them meet face to face. She hasn't tried to get to them while I change their water/bedding and such. So hopefully they will get along ok. Our cat "Oreo" loves to watch them too, but doesn't seem to interested in hurting them. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's going on in their minds. When we first brought them home, she and the cat would get in little hissing/growling matches when the cat would get too close to the brooder. But I don't know if it's because she thinks she is protecting the "chicks" from the cat, or if she is protecting her "snack" from the cat.

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