Arizona Chickens

I know most people wait to put theyre chicks out when they are older but in the summer mine are out with all the chicks at week old. right now our nursery has 1wk old - 1 1/2 month olds . And they stay toasty at night in the summer. Now winter is a whole different story.

Kat, Great looking chicks! So you think my babies can go out side with out need of heat at night? Darn should of had you come in and see the chicks but then you saw them on the post.
I know most people wait to put theyre chicks out when they are older but in the summer mine are out with all the chicks at week old. right now our nursery has 1wk old - 1 1/2 month olds . And they stay toasty at night in the summer. Now winter is a whole different story.

So adorable, as the rest today, I have so a soft spot for the moppy ones :)
I know most people wait to put theyre chicks out when they are older but in the summer mine are out with all the chicks at week old. right now our nursery has 1wk old - 1 1/2 month olds . And they stay toasty at night in the summer. Now winter is a whole different story.

GoldBarRanch- WOWOWOW you have all the different ages mixed up together!! I read a few years ago not to mix chicks more than a week of age difference and have been sticking to the advice. But WOW this would make my life soooo much easier.

I am going to give this a try. Thanks for the eye opener!!!

FuzzyBird- Adorable babies!! I am sorry more didn't hatch for you. The darks will be blue or black. The lights?? Just watch the color of the feathers as they grow in....but they could change again after the juvie molt. That is why I like the Easter Eggers...surprise colors!! They will be various shades of gold alleles though...creams, wheaten, browns and red. I am thinking GoldBarRanch is right.....can go out at about a week?? Never tried it that early, but seems to be working well for her. My momma's aren't sitting on their babies, just very close to them.

Gallo- I really like the coop you made for your friend. Love, Love, Love that you used what was available!!

I have been working on some of the older posts that I missed. All the Mother day pics (chicks and hens/ baby goats) are fantastic!! Would make really cool greeting cards!!
Last year I made a bachelor pad because I seem to fall in love with too many of the little cockerels. The boys are kept at one end of the yard where they can't see the other flocks and for the most part it seems to be working out well.

Love it! I actually brought the idea up to my husband last night. He kinda looked at me with a concerned look on his face, as if to say "Honey, are you having a stroke?" I actually am playing with the idea. We have the space.
Bootsie, I have been able to put my young chicks about 3-4 weeks in with my adult Silkies. I don't know if my silkies are just unuasually sweet or all silkies are good with babies. I know Tumbleweed loves the chicks. Putting different ages together with other breeds of chicks may not go as well.
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Gallo- I really like the coop you made for your friend. Love, Love, Love that you used what was available!!

Thanks AZBootsie! It was so much fun to make and she is just so ecstatic to have her new enclosure. She is especially happy to be able to walk inside. I just love the pics of your birds! I'm partial to bearded birds and Morticia made my heart melt.
Great name too! So perfect it made me laugh.
So One-Dot's comb is turning purple. Any ideas?
Oh no, not One-Dot!
My Kevin lived with a purple comb for the last year of her life. I did a lot of reading about purple combs and it seems it's an issue with circulation and oxygenation of the blood, which makes sense. It's harder to narrow down what exactly is the cause of that though. Weirdly enough, Kevin's comb was most purple in the winter. As the the weather warmed up this spring it largely disappeared; I don't know if that was complete coincidence or not. Some days it was worse than others. I also wondered if her improvement in comb color was due to changing her diet (e.g., not giving her fatty treats). She was pretty obese for a chicken. Those are my rambling thoughts on the subject. Maybe one of our more experienced chicken raisers will have better ideas.
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