Arizona Chickens

Hey all, a bit off topic, I have been researching and am interested in raising meat rabbits. When I brought home some materials to build cages, my DH had a great idea and suggested we actually eat rabbit before we decide to raise them for food. (since when did he become the voice of reason around here?
) Anyway, I have found someone in east mesa, queen creek and dewey willing to sell processed meat. However, all of those places are quite a drive from me. I am located in NW valley near I 17 and Jomax. If anyone has meat rabbits or knows where I can get some, please pm me. Thanks, KJ
Hey all, a bit off topic, I have been researching and am interested in raising meat rabbits. When I brought home some materials to build cages, my DH had a great idea and suggested we actually eat rabbit before we decide to raise them for food. (since when did he become the voice of reason around here?
) Anyway, I have found someone in east mesa, queen creek and dewey willing to sell processed meat. However, all of those places are quite a drive from me. I am located in NW valley near I 17 and Jomax. If anyone has meat rabbits or knows where I can get some, please pm me. Thanks, KJ
Contact demosthine on here. He might have a sample he could share with you.
My momm report: the right side of her hart is falling, fluid in the lungs, and she is bleeding into her GI dot rack. She will be going home in the next 24-36 hrs. No rehab her heart can not take it. This is the beginning of the end at 97. We WILL not be sending mom to Hospes, they will have to help at home.

My girls, sence I have been gone have given me 1 egg a day. What is up with that? The day mom whent to the Hospital I goy 4 eggs. Friday 0 eggs, then 1 each day.
My momm report: the right side of her hart is falling, fluid in the lungs, and she is bleeding into her GI dot rack. She will be going home in the next 24-36 hrs. No rehab her heart can not take it. This is the beginning of the end at 97. We WILL not be sending mom to Hospes, they will have to help at home.

My girls, sence I have been gone have given me 1 egg a day. What is up with that? The day mom whent to the Hospital I goy 4 eggs. Friday 0 eggs, then 1 each day.

So after getting into chickens, and absolutely adoring them I have also come to the conclusion, that while I love my chickens 6 eggs a day x 7 days a week are just too darn many.

I am hoping to re-home two of my chickens. It appears as if all my chickens started laying around August. I get about an egg a day from each chicken. I'm looking to re-home Cadbury my RIR & Chel my black EE. Both lay brown eggs as far as I know (I've never actually caught Chell layng eggs, but I have caught all of the others... except my polish). And both were born in April of this year.

There is nothing wrong with either of these ladies, they just lost the popularity contest (as horrible as that sounds), and we just can't handle 42 eggs a week :p. As it turns out while I think the fresh eggs are fantastic most of my co-workers think it's weird or have egg phobias. ... dang it.

I live in Maricopa, AZ & can deliver them to their new home if necessary.

If you're interested please PM me.

Here are a pic of the girls.



LKD, sorry to hear about your mom. My gma had hospice nurses come to her home, and they were great. My gma died in her own bed, in zero pain. I think pain management is the most critical thing in the last days. They also helped the family with the progression and reality of death.

Chicken related--I think I have a broody hen. Not leaving the nest box for the last 24 hours? That's broody, yes? Including the hour or so it took me to completely remove and then replace the coop and run roofing. She didn't budge. This is one of my Polish/silkie mixes. She's been laying for, I dunno, less than a month and broody already. I wish she would wait a couple of weeks--I have 15 broiler chicks shipping out on the 18th. Anything I can do to encourage to be broody till then? And is it even a good idea to let an inexperienced broody hen raise 15 chicks? Sure would make it easier for me!
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I bought 2 of Desertmarcy's turkeys for T-day--a big tom and a smaller hen. My mom brined the tom and did the typical oven slow roast. Delicious. My husband and I brined the hen, and then did a deep fry. I couldn't remember how much the hen weighed, and we may have over cooked her. The deep fried turkey was super moist, but me and my mom thought it was a little stringy. My husband said it was the best turkey he'd ever had and he's never going back to store-bought again. Unless I somehow magically am able to raise my own turkeys next year, we'll definitely be continuing on with DM's turkeys for future T-days.
Chicken related--I think I have a broody hen. Not leaving the nest box for the last 24 hours? That's broody, yes? Including the hour or so it took me to completely remove and then replace the coop and run roofing. She didn't budge. This is one of my Polish/silkie mixes. She's been laying for, I dunno, less than a month and broody already. I wish she would wait a couple of weeks--I have 15 broiler chicks shipping out on the 18th. Anything I can do to encourage to be broody till then? And is it even a good idea to let an inexperienced broody hen raise 15 chicks? Sure would make it easier for me!

Hmmmm, she's part silkie? I don't think you'll have to do much to encourage her broodiness.
Seriously, she'll probably still be broody by then. If your aim is to stick the chicks under her, it might be worth sacrificing a few eggs from the other hens to put under her to help maintain her interest. Having said all that, who knows what she'll do given it's her first time being broody.
My momm report: the right side of her hart is falling, fluid in the lungs, and she is bleeding into her GI dot rack. She will be going home in the next 24-36 hrs. No rehab her heart can not take it. This is the beginning of the end at 97. We WILL not be sending mom to Hospes, they will have to help at home.

My girls, sence I have been gone have given me 1 egg a day. What is up with that? The day mom whent to the Hospital I goy 4 eggs. Friday 0 eggs, then 1 each day.
LKD, very sorry to hear about your mom. My mother law was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer about 4 years ago and Hospice came to the hose. Hospice nurses are amazing and our family could not thank them enough for the wonderful care they give. Honestly do not know how we could have made it without them. Our prayers will be with you and your mother.

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