Arizona Chickens

That made me chuckle.  I often think similarly about humans mating.  I work with disadvantaged teens who often times don't have parents or grandparents they can count on or look up to.  :idunno
I love teaching/ educating young mothers in my part of town on waiting before creating new babies that they're not ready to take care of and helping them with the ones that they have!

I understand one of you have dealt with CPS and I have to do a house inspection. I'm afraid if they look at the backyard and see my chicken babies my four hens and one Turkey that they will,"Can,"me at reuniting with my kids. my flock is free roaming I do not have anybody caged and they sleep in my trees at night. here is one picture of one part of my yard. Any advice? :fl

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So my broody got "rebooted" and is now not a broody!  :weee She was in a wire dog kennel for three days, in the deep shade of a tree of course, and she could reach the ground to scratch in and cool off.  I was amazed that she had sisters around her at all times (except at night when I closed them in their coop).  When everyone was scratching through the compost bins there was at least one sister hen that stayed behind to keep her company.  Such good sisters!

Agh, your hens love eachother... :goodpost:
I like the term," rebooted,!"
...This was a good post indeed! :)
Help!!! Plz. This chick hatched to one of my broodies and we just got home and found it when we went to spray the coops. She looks like her fluff has been scalped off her head. Her eyes are not open. I sprayed her with blue coat to keep infections away. What could of happened? She drank water but has not eaten yet. I of course pulled her into the house in my brooder crate. Any thoughts will help. Oh she can hear fine.
Ouch! Looks like the skin got torn? This can commonly happen to adult and baby quail since they tend to jump straight up and can scalp themselves. Don't know about that happening with chickens, Maybe one of the adults got her? With quail even drastic scalpings can heal remarkably fast. I hope this little one will be ok.
Hi AZ peeps - from a former AZ thread-er: I had a chick of mine die that looked a lot like this one, although more of the body was bald too, not just the head. A broody mama hen broke into another pen that had a mama and this one chick, and the other mama plucked/pecked the chick to death. I was heartbroken (and so was her mama). My guess would be that one of the other chickens got in with your chick and attacked it, but either got bored or distracted and stopped. (thankfully). I hope your chick recovers!
So glad to have you back.. :highfive: This is another reason that we love our ducks.. :weee They are not as mean...
Hi! Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back with y'all. I have been hatching chicks and it seems the ones that hatch with a mama from the coop thrive much better than the ones form the 'bator - I don't understand it, but I have a hard time getting them past 3 days and sometimes they'll even go for 4/5 days and I will lose one! Very frustrating.....
I am breeding some of my best heat tolerant hens w/ the same in roos; I have one from last year and she is doing very well as a layer so I have high hopes for the "next generation" lol. I really am enjoying having chickens.
What breeds do you have?
Well, I am sorry to make this short but I have to get some rest now.....
Have a very blessed sleep and day tomorrow!!!!!  :cool:

Glad to see your back. :highfive:
We find it easier when they are with the Moma. intergrating is better..
Yes, very similar looking to an Australorp, but king sized! They average about 4 pounds heavier.

will one day I'm going to have to get myself a black jersey giant so I can have some bigger eggs and a bigger chicken to eat!

Thank You carnivore and City Farm for your help!:)make sure if you use your roaster for have any meetings in Tucson you come a bit north so those of us in the Phoenix Mesa area and tempe can join you all and eating the good stuff!:yiipchick

... feel free to do any extra canning for me I'll take and accept all donations!:D
That made me chuckle.  I often think similarly about humans mating.  I work with disadvantaged teens who often times don't have parents or grandparents they can count on or look up to.  :idunno

I spent all of my teen years on a Juvenile Youth Ranch in Texas. I know what you deal with and poor you working with Hell-ions like me. Lol.

@moms3cuties I love your set-up. How high do they go up into the trees? When we're at our future place, I'm considering building their run around a tree of some type that they can roost in. I like the idea of them doing whatever they want. I don't use a coop anymore but I do have a run for them to be safe in at night. Is that what that netting is for ?
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Keep us posted.. How long had it been since you had seen her?

maybe she got her head stuck in something somewhere?

Ouch! Looks like the skin got torn? This can commonly happen to adult and baby quail since they tend to jump straight up and can scalp themselves. Don't know about that happening with chickens, Maybe one of the adults got her? With quail even drastic scalpings can heal remarkably fast. I hope this little one will be ok.

Hi AZ peeps - from a former AZ thread-er:

I had a chick of mine die that looked a lot like this one, although more of the body was bald too, not just the head. A broody mama hen broke into another pen that had a mama and this one chick, and the other mama plucked/pecked the chick to death. I was heartbroken (and so was her mama). My guess would be that one of the other chickens got in with your chick and attacked it, but either got bored or distracted and stopped. (thankfully). I hope your chick recovers!

So glad to have you back..

This is another reason that we love our ducks..
They are not as mean...
so we did not even know she had hatched. What is happening is we have a big pen of mostly Ameraucanas. My first new flock I started with last year. We had a blue Ameraucana go broody and hatch out out 4/7 eggs. We finally put a cage around her after she started hatching out chicks so she could keep track of them better. Those chicks could come and go out of their dog crate in the coop as they wanted and none of our other hens bothered them. We soon removed the crate and mom and the littles have been running around just fine with not a one of the four getting hurt.

Then I had 4 more Ameraucanas and a crested go broody in the bottom 2 nest boxes. all the hens lay in these two nest boxes and we wrote the dates on the eggs and let the hens set them. There did not seem to be any issues (other than trying to collect the fresh laid eggs from the other hens) until chicks started hatching. we noticed one pipped and I went out the next am and it was squished. that happened again 2 more times and then a shrink wrapped chick.

I got upset and decided to put the dog crate around the bottom 2 nest boxes thinking the other chickens coming in laying their eggs was upsetting the broodies and they were squishing the chicks tying to protect them. we also kicked 2 hens out. well they hatched out 2 chicks that night no issues. they are beautiful. one day after that my son left the door open and all 5 broodies were back in the nest box and I thought it would be ok since no other hens could get in there.

There is no where a chick or hen can get their head stuck that we can find. I think one of the broodies attacked the chick because there are already 2 chicks and maybe it thought it was protecting the others? I feel like this is my fault.
This is our first experience with broodies (since I became an adult).

well now we have evicted permanently 3 broodies and so now we have 1 hen in ea nest and the 2 chicks go back and forth in between them.

As for Momba the chick she is doing good. eating and drinking and very vocal, I think because she cannot see. It seems just to be her fluff off her head and it did not break the skin. her eyes are pasted shut though. she did seem to seep, not bleed really just seep blood but that is done now too. I am watching her closely. I am not sure if she will be blind or not.

I think this explains it. It makes me feel like a horrible chicken mama. :(
I spent all of my teen years on a Juvenile Youth Ranch in Texas. I know what you deal with and poor you working with Hell-ions like me. Lol.

@moms3cuties I love your set-up. How high do they go up into the trees? When we're at our future place, I'm considering building their run around a tree of some type that they can roost in. I like the idea of them doing whatever they want. I don't use a coop anymore but I do have a run for them to be safe in at night. Is that what that netting is for ?
they actually go fairly high into the peach tree, so they go about,,,, I'm going to say six feet but then the branch drops down to ...maybe about five foot five with 2 to 3 EE hen's per branch. My younger Road Island Red & White Leghorn (5 months old) go about 6.5 to 7 feet up in the air into the same tree. *Keep in mind I started bringing my hens up there when they were about 4 months old to teach them to get the way from predators and where to sleep at night.

..the green netting is where I started to build (kind of )a area around the peach tree,, extended out,, so if I needed to keep them off the grass while I was planting something in the gardens or adding more the dicondra seed; then they might honored that green plastic netting and stay on that side, under the peach tree. But its not completed as of yet, as I do this myself! I'll get you a few more pics
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