Arizona Chickens

YIPPEE!!! First one has hatched and is peeping and moving all over the place. It's a Black Copper Marans. I will take pics when the chick moves into a good spot under the window. It's still real wet. The other pipped egg is an Ameracauna. This is SO cool I'm about to pop. LOL

Woo Hoo! How Fun! I sort of wish I had invited myself up there for a hatching party!!!
I need a month as well as it's like buying your meat for half a year at 1 time. I need a freezer too. There are some for free in CL sometimes but they're all far away from me, and you have to be FAST.

OK, let's try making a list here and see what route everyone wants to go, once the list has been comprised.

All of our decisions will be made later but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that the meat should be Organic GMO free. Also ideas for where/what (I.e. @a little chiken )we purchase and what it's fed, decided later as well.

Add your name to the list please if you are INTERESTED in splitting any of the following.

K9Dave - Pig, Cow
@moms3cuties - Cow
@a little chiken - Pig, Cow
@Billiam - Cow
I am on the list for Cow and/or Pig. I agree on the feed, Organic, Hormone and Antibiotic Free, highly preferable grass fed for beef. I bought my last quarter of beef about 11 months ago and still have plenty of meat so I would need a month notice or maybe even wait for the next one unless it is pig.
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They seemed to be upset that anyone would be stupid enough to keep chicks in the house because they need to be out in the dirt to develop an immune system against all the bacteria in the ground. They seem to think that my birds would not develop as well or reach their full potential. I have not had any problems with that. This person seems to feel they are the self-appointed expert on this forum and nobody else really knows what they're doing. Can't stand know-it-alls that want to make sure you know they know it all. They were mostly upset over cocci which we don't have in our soil up here and not too many places since it is a wet area bacteria and we're really arid. Not saying it"s not here at all but not so much as in the wetter states.

The way to counter that is to just put some native soil or sand or a swatch of vegetation pulled up in your yard and place it in the brooder when the chicks are a few weeks old. I never did that because I didn't know about it and I raised my girls in the garage but they got lawn time from 2 wks until they went in the coop at 4 months or so. My chickens also walk through my house occasionally when I want them on bug control on the front patio!
Ive seen many references to this Chicken Math but haven't had the chance to look it up!

My dogs share a fence line with my run. We had it secure (so we thot) but one evening my daughter came in and was yelling "buddy has my chick in his mouth"
the bottom of the fence line had a big root running across it and we figured they cant dig thru that. Well after our investigation into the death of goldie, we discovered a very small area where the root made a V and the dog dug a small area and loosened the dirt which in turn looked like it needed pecked thru. Add that with bad timing and u have a chicken thru the fence with a broken back. Buddy didnt puncture her or anything so she prolly would have survived if the hole were bigger. It was sad. So now we have landscaping cloth along the fence so they can't stalk them and the hot wire back up. My remaining BR was so miserable until we got 2 more (approx 4 and 6 wks) from a farm last weekend. She went from miserably alone to a mean ol dominant bird in a matter of seconds lol.

Oh that is great about your BR! Chickens have so much personality! Sorry about the loss of your other chicken - Goldie I kept looking for her name and just saw it.
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I need a month as well as it's like buying your meat for half a year at 1 time. I need a freezer too. There are some for free in CL sometimes but they're all far away from me, and you have to be FAST.

OK, let's try making a list here and see what route everyone wants to go, once the list has been comprised.

All of our decisions will be made later but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that the meat should be Organic GMO free. Also ideas for where/what (I.e. @a little chiken)we purchase and what it's fed, decided later as well.

Add your name to the list please if you are INTERESTED in splitting any of the following.

K9Dave - Pig, Cow
@moms3cuties- Cow
@a little chiken- Pig, Cow
@Billiam- Cow
@kpgoldstar- Pig, Cow

I can say as an animal science major we did a lot of research on both Grass fed and regular fed beef as well as feed lot steers vs personal raised steers etc. I can go into a lot of detail but it is very boring and honestly unless you know everything I am talking about you would be confused. I will say I personally do not feed organic per my choice. I have raised my own meat, I have worked in the U of A meat lab and per my experience and what we learned I feel you are paying a lot more money for something that does not change anything when you feed organic. If I remember correctly it only has to meet the 60% guideline to be certified organic. I know that it takes 5 years to be certified organic and during that 5 years those farmers cannot sell anything off their farm and that the government paid off many farmers to stop growing what they were growing to become organic. If they did not meet the standards given to them in that 5 years they lost everything. Those farmers also lost their place in line to sell their crops and feed stuffs. I wonder why the same government that supports GMO supports Organic, kinda makes me wonder why they control both. I do not like GMO but yes they are out there and you can get GMO free corn. I again did not feed mine GMO free. I know there are a lot of people that like organic and prefer it but I have actually seen the tests done to see what the differences is in both grass fed and regular fed beef and according to the testing there is NO significant health benefits from raising grass over regular feed stuffs. I have been a part of a beef taste testing the difference between grass and regular fed and I will say 8/10 people that were in our groups could not test the difference. That being said I know that the test on personal raised beef over feed lot steers showed an increase in weight gain and the meat was more tender from the personal home raised beef. The thought being the less stressed the steer the less times the muscles can atrophy. I know many will not agree with me and that is ok but this is just my opinion. Oh and I can say raising 2 boy that are 10 and 11, they have been raised half their lives on fresh meat I raised and milk from my goats and eggs from my chickens and they hardly ever get sick.
It seems like your associating grass fed with organic. A grass fed cow will more than likely ingest less GMO food than one finished in a concentrated animal feed lot but simply being grass fed isnt organic by any means. Your 5 year reference is actually 3 yrs. You can continue to grow/graze on that land during the 3 years you just can't certify it organic even though during those 3 years you are following the standards. This is done to ensure any pesticides or inorganic substances have dissipated. To say that feeding organic does not change anything and there is no health benefit between gmo/organic is absurd. Like you said its personal preference. Its just troubling to see people so misinformed about their food that they consistently consume poison that will more than likely affect them in a serious way at some point in their life. My family experienced the health problems associated with gmo and have experienced the difference, which is why we are so passionate about it.
why would they jump on you for having chickens in the house? I have had them in the house over 2 months due to circumstances. I have had adults in the house as well. That is crazy anyone would "jump" onto you for that. I am sry. :idunno

Beware the Chicken Police are watching! This is what I love about this forum - no judgement!
btw, my dh also said I care more about the chickes than him! Our boys are grown & gone but when they come to visit know they will find me sitting under a tree feeding my chickens cold grapes or just watching them.
Okay, I promised pictures.....first chick hatched this morning, second chick this afternoon. Second one is a lot smaller, Ameracauna. A third egg has pipped the shell!!! Sorry about the poor shots, but I had a hard time getting a decent pic through the bator window.
So sweet! Now I have to keep telling myself not to pop some eggs into my bator! They are so adorable! Congratulatiions!

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