Arizona Chickens

They seemed to be upset that anyone would be stupid enough to keep chicks in the house because they need to be out in the dirt to develop an immune system against all the bacteria in the ground.  They seem to think that my birds would not develop as well or reach their full potential.  I have not had any problems with that.  This person seems to feel they are the self-appointed expert on this forum and nobody else really knows what they're doing.  Can't stand know-it-alls that want to make sure you know they know it all.  They were mostly upset over cocci which we don't have in our soil up here and not too many places since it is a wet area bacteria and we're really arid.  Not saying it"s not here at all but not so much as in the wetter states.

Well people like that think they are smarter.. And possibly they are.. Cocci is something that most flock owners go threw.. So be it.. Arguing is a waist of time..
My chickens that come in, are in for a reason.. Not to live.. Anyway.. I am going to talk to my chickens about this.. :lau
Yeehaa, fantastic... :highfive:
Okay, I promised pictures.....first chick hatched this morning, second chick this afternoon. Second one is a lot smaller, Ameracauna. A third egg has pipped the shell!!! Sorry about the poor shots, but I had a hard time getting a decent pic through the bator window.
Agh, how fun...looking good..:jumpy
Ive never hatched. I hope once im more knowledgeable with raising the ones I have I can get into hatching at least a few. Im a 3 pullet momma since ive got a limited area and dogs so it will b way in the future. So for now ill live vicariously through you :)

3 is enough for you, that is great... Sometimes I wish we only had 3. :th they poop so much..:gig
What breeds do you have..?
Ive never hatched. I hope once im more knowledgeable with raising the ones I have I can get into hatching at least a few. Im a 3 pullet momma since ive got a limited area and dogs so it will b way in the future. So for now ill live vicariously through you :)

I have 4 Columbian Wyandotte pullets and now have contracted the dreaded "Chicken Math" illness.  BYC is totally guilty for this.  LOL
I have 2 dogs who would love to "play" with the chickens.  Not gonna happen.
Hatching is a blast.

X2 BYC is guilty..:highfive:
Ive seen many references to this Chicken Math but haven't had the chance to look it up!

My dogs share a fence line with my run. We had it secure (so we thot) but one evening my daughter came in and was yelling "buddy has my chick in his mouth" :( the bottom of the fence line had a big root running across it and we figured they cant dig thru that. Well after our investigation into the death of goldie, we discovered a very small area where the root made a V and the dog dug a small area and loosened the dirt which in turn looked like it needed pecked thru. Add that with bad timing and u have a chicken thru the fence with a broken back. Buddy didnt puncture her or anything so she prolly would have survived if the hole were bigger. It was sad. So now we have landscaping cloth along the fence so they can't stalk them and the hot wire back up. My remaining BR was so miserable until we got 2 more (approx 4 and 6 wks) from a farm last weekend. She went from miserably alone to a mean ol dominant bird in a matter of seconds lol.[/quot

Condolences from us. :hugs
whoa. that chicken math thing got me wondering. my birds:
1 BCM rooster
2 BJG cockerels.
18 BJG pullets.
2 Partridge Cochin cockerels.
4 Partridge cochin pullets.
1 Plymouth Barred Rock pullet.
3 Golden sex link pullets.
Boarded birds:
1 rooster unknown breed.
5 hens unknown breeds. (one is a white crested Polish, I think a bantam)

no wonder I keep running out of feed!


Lots of farm fresh egg's...
So nice of you to help board their flock..
Well people like that think they are smarter.. And possibly they are.. Cocci is something that most flock owners go threw.. So be it.. Arguing is a waist of time..
My chickens that come in, are in for a reason.. Not to live.. Anyway.. I am going to talk to my chickens about this..
this is what I The girls talking to you about this. lol
omgosh I got my first duck egg. It was laid in the area we wash the pools out in of course (yuck). It is so small and cute but I am sooo excited. I will post a pic later as my phone just died. @CityFarm have your ducks started to lay yet?

I pray she moves to laying in the duck house and NOT in the muddy dump area.

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