Arizona Chickens

Not lethargic, eats well. She's alpha so I doubt she'll show she's down until she dies. But her abdomen is so swollen and she didn't poop at all during the night. More baths, tums and yogurt today.

BC (before chickens) I would never have believed that one day I'd be oiling a chicken's vent...

If it goes beyond two days you may want to consider trying to help her pass the egg, or remove it completely. If you Google "egg prolapse" you should find some really good guidance on how to perform either of the procedures. There's a lot of debate about what kind of lubricant to use to help her pass the egg, but to me that's less important than just getting the darn thing out. Collapsing the egg is more risky and should be used as a last resort, but is worth a try to save a beloved bird.

I had one hen with a prolapse. After 24 hours and an Epsom salt soak, I simply massage a little coconut oil around her cloaca and she was able to pass the egg and returned to normal, so I know it can be done.

Good luck!
So im an artistm I follow other artists, I tend to stalk a few specific artists because they are amazing.

well I was on Tumblr the other day and one of my favorite MLP artists, (yes, this stands for My Little Pony, im shameless) was posting about her life in general. She is a teacher and lives on her own, and her neighboos recently pbained/bought a rooster.

they already had a hen with about 18 babies and im sure a freidnw as like

"heres a cock"

so anyway she was explaining the rooster, and her exact quote was

"I call him Señor Chingado Estúpido, because he is indeed a stupid f*ck"

this both struck me as hilarious and then made me want to explain roosters to her XD

which I can understand part of her annoyance, roosters are not allowed in her subdivision, and this rooster is pretty agressive towards her when she goes outside or near the property, and like all roosters, this Señor Chingado Estúpido crows all day every day.

and the name honestly made me laugh because I can just imagine some bootlegging dressed long legged game in spurred boots and a curled mustache slinging some annoying crows/kicks in her direction.

However this artist has never really had experience with chickens besides this, I felt the need to cradle her poor face and say "Its okay, it's natural, you'll live through this, chickens aren't evil"

(TO BE ADDED: I will be draing this Señor Chingado Estúpido later on, mark my words)

I drew Señor Chingado Estúpido

very much proud of it too XD

took about 45 minutes in my favorite drawing program, photoshop CS6

I have an egg bound hen, I believe. She has all the symptoms except her bottom is so swollen I can't actually feel the egg in there. I gave her crushed tums with yogurt, several epsom salt soaks and kept her in a cool dark place (my bathroom) last night. Now I'm afraid to go into my bathroom for fear she didn't make it... If she is alive, what else can I do?
Also check out symptoms of Ascites or Waterbelly
Thanks. I gather the symptoms are largely the same without the egg bound part. Either way, she seems to be very happy - eating and drinking. I haven't seen her pass an egg, though. She's my only BCM so I can't really miss it except that I'm building a new coop and thus free ranging far and wide at the moment. Could be under a bush somewhere. She still looks swollen but definitely not as much.
If you're here in Phoenix, it could also be heat related... keeping her cool overnight probably made her feel better.
And I know my sick chicken seemed to enjoy the epsom salt bath.
Best of luck with her
Thanks. I gather the symptoms are largely the same without the egg bound part. Either way, she seems to be very happy - eating and drinking. I haven't seen her pass an egg, though. She's my only BCM so I can't really miss it except that I'm building a new coop and thus free ranging far and wide at the moment. Could be under a bush somewhere. She still looks swollen but definitely not as much.
If you had told me a year ago that I'd be installing a mister line in the lemon tree that my chickens like to hang out in the shade under, I'd have laughed in your face. Particularly since I didn't have chickens at the time.


They seem to like it though.
If you had told me a year ago that I'd be installing a mister line in the lemon tree that my chickens like to hang out in the shade under, I'd have laughed in your face. Particularly since I didn't have chickens at the time.


They seem to like it though.

You're a good rooster taking ccre of your flock like that
All the choices for shade and these doofuses choose this one to hang out in. Just for the record, they have three different choices for water too, the one in the picture is the smallest one.


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