Arizona Chickens

Sad sad day. My son found feathers all over the pasture and we can’t find Ferb. Not sure when or how but she is gone....:hit

Sorry to hear that you lost one of those girls that you got from me. There are alway's some type of predator around, and that's why I keep my hens and roo locked up. I don't want to loose them.
So sorry for both of your loses. I know how hard it is.

Another sad note our female chihuahua was found in the pool dead today. She was 10 and blind. Must have fell in and couldn’t get out.

Sorry that you lost your dog. If you have anymore little dog's, maybe you should put a fence around the pool to keep them out and safe?
So sorry for both of your loses. I know how hard it is.

Another sad note our female chihuahua was found in the pool dead today. She was 10 and blind. Must have fell in and couldn’t get out.
How awful, I’m so sorry. So many losses today. I’ll be thinking of you, it is hard to say goodbye to a dog you’ve had for so long.
Wow! Bad juju all around this weekend! :hit Must be the full moon...

We had our first loss this evening. My EE Candice escaped over the fence into the neighbor's yard, and their dog got her. She died in my arms a few minutes later. I'm glad she didn't suffer long. Poor thing. I feel terrible, and my kids are devastated. So tomorrow i'm picking up some styptic powder and it's Operation Wing Clipping for the remaining 8 ladies.
You shouldn't need any styptic powder for wing clipping. If you've never done it before i can post pics to help. Alot of people say to only clip one wing, but that's never worked for me, I always end up going back the next night and clipping the other wing because they've been able to keep getting into trouble with one.
Perhaps a picture of Cora will cheer everyone up a bit :D She is getting so big! Two months old next week.

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