Arizona Chickens

Good morning everyone! Can you believe our weather yesterday? I almost feel sorry for the rest of the country.

This thread moves so fast. Mahonri, sorry about your birds. That must have been sad and frustrating seeing them die and not being able to stop it. I hope whatever caused their demise doesn't spread beyond that pen.

Tanichca, congrats on the hatching chicks.

GoneHomeGrown2, nice ducks! I don't think I've ever seen ducks with that coloration.

Tucson Tofu, cute birds! I love that coloration pattern. That little blondie roo was cute too!

Laree, welcome back to the forum and congratulations on the temp job.

ETA: Welcome to the AZ thread CharlieDill!
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Thanks NoSkiveez! I am feeling alot better already. I never saw any blood anywhere. I'll keep an eye on them. They certainly all are in good health, running around and eating. And growing very fast too. I really did not know that you have to soak in that fluffy stage as much as you can because it does not even last two weeks. So now I am dealing with teenagers. Scarry!
Thank you. The need more of a ground box than a coop. I have one group that just use a dogloo with straw for bedding. Another group has an a-frame style that I made. Very simple construction and it gives them kind of a cave. They dont have to have a place to swim but it is good for them to be able to clean themselves and they love their pool. Alot of people just use the plastic kiddie pools. They are very messy though. They have the pool dirty in less than half an hour after I change the water out for them. I keep the food at the far side of the pen. I actually keep their wings clipped as I prefer they don't fly. I am newer to all of the birds, but enjoy them so much.

edited to add

By the ground home, let my clarify. They need that as a minumum. You can go with a full size coop but they do not roost. They will sleep on the ground and from what I have seen, they dont climb ramps and such well. I have seen some post were they were motivated enough they figured out how to get up a few steps to the porch, but mine wont even step over the board at the gate to their pen when I let that pen out to free range.
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Welcome, Charlie! Glad to have you here. Where in AZ are you?

Tanichca, how exciting!!!!! You should post some pics.

GoneHome, thanks for the excellent explanation. They sound like a lot of work, but a lot of fun.

Gallo, I TOTALLY feel sorry for the rest of the country. I was at Costco in Tucson on Grant yesterday. It was 86*, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. I was sitting in the parking lot looking at that beautiful AZ sky with a huge mountain against it. I just couldn't control myself. I took a picture with my phone and emailed it to my friend in KS, where it only got up to about 30* yesterday.
thank you all for the warm welcomes! Im in Northern Arizona (flagstaff)... hoping some of that snow comes our way soon!

Those ducks are so adorable!

Ill be getting chickens this spring (if my neighbor allows) and its going to be my first time with the little ladies, so ill be popping in and out of here every once and a while
thanks guys!
hi everyone! My first post in the az forum. I live out in QC, near the pork factory.
'nuff chitchat.

I'm getting rid of my rooster this Saturday. He got my daughter this morning 2.5 yrs old, and I'm not going to let it happen again. He's scared of me but I can't have him attacking my daughter. Like Optimus Prime said, One shall rise, one shall fall.

I need a new rooster, so if anyone has a rooster (preferably a cochin or a bantam cochin) I'd be happy to take them off your hands and let them come play with my hens. I have 13 hens-a-layin with 3 pullets on scholarship. I live on an acre and a quarter so they get plenty, PLENTY of free range time.

Hope someone finds this.
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Welcome to the thread Ravishaw.

Tanichca, I think your babies gave mine the idea. One of the quail eggs that I had given up on hatched in the last hour and a half or so. I had give up on them completely and was cracking them yesterday to see what had gone wrong. One had no development and one was an early quiter, then #3 was still alive. Oh crap, I put the poor baby back in with the remaining 3 eggs. I knew he stood little chance, but I had to give him what chance I could as he looked pretty close to hatching and seemed to be breathing. The little guy didn't make it, but a day after this (about an hour ago) I looked in and one had hatched. It is my first incubator baby. I am just so eggcited.
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