Arizona Chickens

Well Maryhysong, I agree with your statement but after having been around for too long you can practice "Let the Buyer Beware". Even in the Health Care Industry one needs to go to the internet and become informed. Learn, read, learn and read some more. I am amazed at how much money people are spending on chickens. Importing them form Europe and other such places. It seems that the Chicken World is becoming much like those who raise canines, racing horses and more. I guess being a "salt of the earth type" I believe utilitarian goals are important and leave competition to those who have more money than they know what to do with it !

Yes to an extent Buyer Beware. But still I believe in full disclosure and transparency. It does not cost a great deal to show unless you live a long ways from where the shows are at. Most shows in AZ are average 3 hrs from me. But I enjoy a lot of aspects of showing anything. I don't show to win. I show to get experienced opinions on my birds. The SOP, especially for the older, heritage breeds, was written in the days when chickens had to be productive because the farmer needed to make a living. When a chicken matches the SOP in it's body type and size then it will usually be a very good producing bird, whether it is an egg, meat or dual purpose breed. The SOP specifies certain aspects of type because those aspects are required for good production. And there are different body types required to fulfill different purposes. I too believe in utilitarian goals and the SOP is helping me achieve those because on many points they are one and the same.
Hi folks, we just returned from a 4 day trip to Bullhead City where we spent the holiday with my family. I wish I could say it was fun, but my DH made it very difficult as always. I am struggling to keep it together in my marriage & may just pack up & ship out! I loved seeing my family & would enjoy living closer to them. I've been with my hubby for 16 years....since I was a sophomore in high school & he was a senior. I just feel we have grown into such different people & we fight over stupid stuff to much. The spark is gone & past mistakes never seem to fade! This amongst MANY issues not appropriate for this thread is what has me broken down. Is there anyone out there going through life one day at a time in a marriage void of love? I stay for my kids...because of my vow....but what about my spirit? If I left I would not only hurt my kids, but....what about my chickens!! Lol
Angelray - I'm sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. Only you can determine which scenerio is best for your kids in the long run. Many, many years ago, I was in a similar situation, but he left me (at 22 years old with 2 toddlers) so I never actually had to make the decision. It was tough, no doubt about it. I focused on my kids and got a decent job, and had no intention of ever taking that risk again. Eight years later, I literally bumped into the new guy at work, and we just celebrated our 31st anniversary. I don't know where you are religiously, but knowing that God would never give me something heavy to handle without also giving me the strength with which to handle it got me over many a rough patch. Good luck to you.
I am fond of black chickens. Because I wanted dark colored eggs, I do have two blue Marans hens and I really like their slate colored legs. Also, I like cross breeding to make EE/Nns with crests and beards and dark skin and legs. ha ha not the typical BYC
It is interesting to know and work for the SOC though if you are a serious breeder and sell your birds.
Molly, The white hen we got from you lays wonderful slate olive with speckles & Sofia the black girl lays nice round creamy green.. Love them thank you.. Mary..
Yes to an extent Buyer Beware. But still I believe in full disclosure and transparency. It does not cost a great deal to show unless you live a long ways from where the shows are at. Most shows in AZ are average 3 hrs from me. But I enjoy a lot of aspects of showing anything. I don't show to win. I show to get experienced opinions on my birds. The SOP, especially for the older, heritage breeds, was written in the days when chickens had to be productive because the farmer needed to make a living. When a chicken matches the SOP in it's body type and size then it will usually be a very good producing bird, whether it is an egg, meat or dual purpose breed. The SOP specifies certain aspects of type because those aspects are required for good production. And there are different body types required to fulfill different purposes. I too believe in utilitarian goals and the SOP is helping me achieve those because on many points they are one and the same.
Yes Mary your are right and I agree but here is what I am talking about:


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That is a professional sign. Did you make it?

Yes, that is all my work.

IF you are interested in a sign, PM me and we'll work out the details.

And by the way ... I love to barter, so if any one wants a sign made for their front door or fence, let me know, I am looking for an incubator and would gladly make a custom sign in trade for one.


Ok good to know.. I do have a sign I would like to put by our front door.. It is in 3 different language's.. I will
look into how it is spelled out & get back to you..
City Farm You are so funny ! Well I am delighted that you like your hens and their eggs but you do not need to keep telling me !

I am getting eggcited about making new birdies in the springtime. The white bird is not really white, she is dun but who care cause her eggs are nice. She is a Marans Ameraucana cross. Would you believe that it is SO COLD up here I haven't had a fresh egg in weeks. Unless they are eating them ????? But I'm on my way to the valley next week so I'll get fed some nice eggies.
City Farm  You are so funny !  Well I am delighted that you like your hens and their eggs but you do not need to keep telling me !

  I am getting eggcited about making new birdies in the springtime.  The white bird is not really white, she is dun but who care cause her eggs are nice. She is a Marans Ameraucana cross. Would you believe that it is SO COLD up here I haven't had a  fresh egg in weeks. Unless they are eating them ????? But I'm on my way to the valley next week so I'll get fed some nice eggies.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.. I just can't help it.. The eggs are so beautiful...& the brats are happy & heathy.. They love the fermented
feed.. Those little velociraptor's.. Are so fun to watch.. No more thank you's for you.. :bun
I promise you on a picture on the status of the turkey from Thanksgiving. It was absolutely delicious and had more flavor than any other one I've had. My Wife didn't cook it quite like I said to, so it was a little bit dry, but everybody devoured it. I am definitely looking forward to doing it again for Christmas.

Retraction please! I washed my hands of the said turkey so therefore I did not cook it at all let alone anything else that happened to said turkey.
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