Arizona Chickens

Quote: Like many (not all) Arizona Statutes, it is simple and straight forward.

Fifty-First Legislature, Second Regular Session


fowl regulation; prohibition


Prohibits municipalities from adopting zoning ordinances that forbid residents in single-family detached homes from keeping fowl in their backyards.


Statute lists the buildings and structures that municipal governments have the authority to regulate and lists other areas that a municipal legislative body may choose to exercise authority, including the establishment of a variety of districts (A.R.S. § 9-462.01). Currently statute does not specify any regulation regarding fowl owed within municipal boundaries.

Fowl is defined as a bird that is raised for the purpose of consumption.

There is no anticipated fiscal impact on the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1. Prohibits municipalities from adopting zoning ordinances that prohibit single family detached residences from keeping fowl in the property’s backyard.

2. Allows a municipality to restrict the number of fowl and the ownership of male fowl, unless the male fowl is incapable of making noise.

3. Includes language that specifies that this act preempts all local laws, ordinances, and charter provisions to the contrary of the added language.

4. Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research
January 23, 2014

What I find interesting in a rather tongue-in-check way is that ducks are obviously included, but it isn't the male ducks that are noisy!
We also have an EE who is a total free-loader! She's going on 10 months old, and has never laid an egg
I'm all for sending her to freezer camp, but my DH wants to give her until the weather turns warm and see if she kicks in. Their eggs might be pretty, but not if they are non-existant! I'm done with EEs - give me a BO or Leghorn anyday!! They give us breakfast!

That's funny, my DH has saved our EE from the crock pot. And to think he didn't even want chickens when I brought them home.
I cut two foot lengths of rolled fencing. The fencing is 4 ft wide and I wired the sections together. The fence forms a "C" at the bottom of the run facing outward. It looks a lot like razor wire LOL. I sit concrete blocks on the fence sections. It keeps our determined beagle from digging in. I leave the cut "spikes" outward. I'll try to post a picture for you. It was easy and cheap.
Wonderful! Do you remember the name of that super dark red (purplish) lettuce? I'd like to get something of that shade of color.

I haven't harvested any of the dark red/purple leaves yet. That was part of my second planting I did around mid December. It is from Park (sorry, all the old heirloom seed companies I used to buy from seemed to have disappeared in my hiatus).Anyone remember Shepherd's seeds and Cook's Garden?? I have now discovered a couple new suppliers, but as I was easing back into gardening Park was convenient. I have not been happy with their germination rates so I will be looking elsewhere as I expand my rediscovered love of gardening.

Off on a tangent but this one is called Marshall.
It is a cos/romaine type. I will let you know when it gets mature enough to harvest how the flavor is. I do love the deep dark color! Such a contrast to the green!
Just read this on another thread.... Had to share :lol:

Chicken Little

One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to her class.
She came to the part where Chicken Little warns the farmer.
She read, “…and Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said, “The sky is falling!”
The teacher then asked the class, “And what do you think that farmer said?”
One little girl raised her hand and said, “I think he said: ‘Holy Sh*t! A talking chicken!’”
The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

Got E-Mails off, have not called, will do that Fri. Family coming in to see mom, she is in the final stage of life, she keep rallying as family visits. She is one tuff lady, she is amassing. She is so lived, so many people lay languish alone, never seeing children or any family. My mother has Great Grand children coming to see her, those that can't keep in touch. No one wants her to pass with out being able to say good by one last time. Who knows? She may hold on for her 98th birthday in June. :love She knows she is loved and had to have had to do something right in 97 years.
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Quote: Like many (not all) Arizona Statutes, it is simple and straight forward.

Fifty-First Legislature, Second Regular Session


fowl regulation; prohibition


Prohibits municipalities from adopting zoning ordinances that forbid residents in single-family detached homes from keeping fowl in their backyards.


Statute lists the buildings and structures that municipal governments have the authority to regulate and lists other areas that a municipal legislative body may choose to exercise authority, including the establishment of a variety of districts (A.R.S. § 9-462.01). Currently statute does not specify any regulation regarding fowl owed within municipal boundaries.

Fowl is defined as a bird that is raised for the purpose of consumption.

There is no anticipated fiscal impact on the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1. Prohibits municipalities from adopting zoning ordinances that prohibit single family detached residences from keeping fowl in the property’s backyard.

2. Allows a municipality to restrict the number of fowl and the ownership of male fowl, unless the male fowl is incapable of making noise.

3. Includes language that specifies that this act preempts all local laws, ordinances, and charter provisions to the contrary of the added language.

4. Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research
January 23, 2014

What I find interesting in a rather tongue-in-check way is that ducks are obviously included, but it isn't the male ducks that are noisy!

The red flag for me is #2. If municipalities can restrict the number of fowl, they can severely limit the number kept, maybe even to 0 or 1.
Hi Everyone-

I am in Tucson. We just became chicken owners in November for my son's 4-H project. So, we haven't had to deal with summer yet, but I worry about how the heat will affect them.

I've heard a lot of people put frozen water bottles out so the chickens can lay against them when they get hot. So, I am planning on giving that a try, as well as, lots of water.

I've also heard that a lot of people put a box fan in the coop to get some air moving. I like the water sprinkler idea, I will have to consider that.

If you come up with any other ideas that work, be sure to let everyone in Arizona know. I've kinda grown fond of these little feathered friends of ours, and would hate to lose any of them.

I have misters in my coop area and it works great keeping the birds cool. Home Depot and Lowe's should have portable sets you hook up to a hose for maybe $30.

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