Arizona Chickens

Hello everyone..... I haven't been a big poster but follow this thread regularly. I have recently had some major hip surgery and need to find new homes for my 9 chickens. It is just too difficult to keep up with them at this point in my recovery. I have 2 Australorps, 2 Marons, 1 Barred Rock and 4 EE's. They range in age from 1 to 2.5 years in age and all are healthy. If you can help please let me know..... they are free to a good home.

Good luck with your recovery. Hip surgery is quite an ordeal - 6 months ago, I had a total hip replacement and my pelvis broke during the surgery. It was 10 weeks before I could even begin to learn to walk again, but now I'm doing great - retired my cane about 6 weeks ago! I wish I could help with your rehoming, but we really can't handle more than the 6 we have. I hope your surgery was successful!
Hello everyone..... I haven't been a big poster but follow this thread regularly.  I have recently had some major hip surgery and need to find new homes for my 9 chickens.  It is just too difficult to keep up with them at this point in my recovery.  I have 2 Australorps, 2 Marons, 1 Barred Rock and 4 EE's.  They range in age from 1 to 2.5 years in age and all are healthy.  If you can help please let me know..... they are free to a good home.

Sorry to hear this bit hope you get well soon and start another flock. What part if the valley are you in? I would like to look at the BR and maybe an EE if possible.
Hello everyone..... I haven't been a big poster but follow this thread regularly. I have recently had some major hip surgery and need to find new homes for my 9 chickens. It is just too difficult to keep up with them at this point in my recovery. I have 2 Australorps, 2 Marons, 1 Barred Rock and 4 EE's. They range in age from 1 to 2.5 years in age and all are healthy. If you can help please let me know..... they are free to a good home.
I have EE that free range with my ducks if you cannot find anyone for them, actually I can free range anything with those EE since they are for eggs. If you cannot find a home for them let me know but I am in Tucson so we would have to figure out transportation.
There should be plenty to move around so that everyone stays within their budget. Normally you'd prob HAVE to buy a certain amount but with all of this interest we'll more than likely do 2 cows and maybe a second pig. This will make the whole thing cheaper for us as well. I meant to say that I'd put you down for both and then you can buy as much or as little as you want to of both. Someone else will absorb the extra. Including myself probably.
:weee I will be at my brother house for the next 4 weeks. I will have internet! I will be able to read and catch up on all that is going on and how everyone is doing.

It was a hard day for my girls. I drove from 9 until 5:30 (17:30). I have been trying to do about 250 a day so am not on the road a total of 6 plus stops. My speed is 45mph-55 mph. So I can not go to fast. SOOOOooo this is what I saw when I finally stopped for the day.

As you see they were not happy travelers. They are still not to happy. I had been stopping every 1 to 1-1/2 hrs for about 15 min or more. Giving them a treat of some kind. Also it is supposed to be in the low 60's with some locations in the high 50's around Mpls. It is a little cool. A drop of nearly 10 degrees at night. It had been mid 60's with a few nights in the very low 70's. Needless to say I have some concerns, mostly for the Silkie, Sweetie. I made sure no drafts, I put a pin light in the one side near the water and food dish. It will be dark until I uncover the,.

I need some Silkie advise about the cold and just how cold hardy they are. I am wondering if I should pick up a reptile heater, ether an element or a heated stone, something to take the chill off for the Silkie. At lest until she adjusts a little. The lowest element I know of is 75w. That seems a little high for such a small coop. A heated rock may be the way to go? Other then that make sure they are covered every night to make it as draft free as possible.

More later when I het them in their new pen. My brother has a kennel not being used.
ooohh my friend just got turkeys and has chicks at my house . They are the Royal Palm. You interested??

Those Scovies are about 6 wks now. Yes thay have already changed soooo much!!
Marcy did you get a chance to contact that person on FB that was looking for older birds for sale?

Have you contacted Sommer in the Aloha thread to see if she can use any of them in her project? Just look up Aloha Project. :)
Yes, I'll PM you.

Working on my brooder, almost done. The chick's love it.
Looks great and will be nice to be able to store it flattened.

Just finished feeding and watering the chickens this morning, stepped out the gate and saw one of those big green June bugs flying around the outside of the run. Tried to catch it, and accidentally contacted the wrong wire, about knocked me on my butt. Was wondering if it was still working - question answered!
I have a Plymouth barred rock, probably the smallest chicken I have, but also the quickest. When a June bug does get into the run, 99 times out of a hundred, she is the winner. Everybody else is chasing her around, but I've never seen her lose one yet.
Yikes! Bet you will remember it's there next time.
My chickens love those green beetles, and even got a couple giant palo verde beetles this summer. Those are hard to keep to themselves since they are so big they can steal chunks of it out of the mouth of the chicken that caught it.

Yes, for real. I think I touched it with both hands and got a circuit through my arms. Wire is on the outside of the run where the chickens can't touch it.

Really, I'm OK. The lysdexia is not a new thing.


I really hope you are ok. That is scary to have that much electricity coming through you. My oldest son went to unplug an extension cord I did not know the dogs had chewed it and he got a good zap. scared us all pretty good. He was ok, scared but ok. Be careful. was this at the new house where the girl is or at your old house? better tto have someone around.

I have about half my girls that are old enough laying. I really believe my feed make up keeps them laying. The ones that went broody and hatched chicks refuse to lay even thousg said chicks are 1-2 months old.
. I do not think next year we will allow broodies.
come on little ones....I hope you have a great hatch!!
I'm only getting about half my hens laying each day now. I'm hoping they pick up production as it cools off, but then they will molt wont they?

I need a month as well as it's like buying your meat for half a year at 1 time. I need a freezer too. There are some for free in CL sometimes but they're all far away from me, and you have to be FAST.

OK, let's try making a list here and see what route everyone wants to go, once the list has been comprised.

All of our decisions will be made later but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that the meat should be Organic GMO free. Also ideas for where/what (I.e. @a little chiken )we purchase and what it's fed, decided later as well.

Add your name to the list please if you are INTERESTED in splitting any of the following.

K9Dave - Pig, Cow
@moms3cuties - Cow
@a little chiken - Pig, Cow
@Billiam - Cow
@kpgoldstar - Pig, Cow
@City farm -Cow
@kevs-chickadees Pig, Cow
@Beckyhsinglsc Cow
I wish I didn't have such a dinky freezer...

They seemed to be upset that anyone would be stupid enough to keep chicks in the house because they need to be out in the dirt to develop an immune system against all the bacteria in the ground. They seem to think that my birds would not develop as well or reach their full potential. I have not had any problems with that. This person seems to feel they are the self-appointed expert on this forum and nobody else really knows what they're doing. Can't stand know-it-alls that want to make sure you know they know it all. They were mostly upset over cocci which we don't have in our soil up here and not too many places since it is a wet area bacteria and we're really arid. Not saying it"s not here at all but not so much as in the wetter states.
Sorry you had people judging you. They really have no idea what we have to deal with climate wise here.

Hello everyone..... I haven't been a big poster but follow this thread regularly. I have recently had some major hip surgery and need to find new homes for my 9 chickens. It is just too difficult to keep up with them at this point in my recovery. I have 2 Australorps, 2 Marons, 1 Barred Rock and 4 EE's. They range in age from 1 to 2.5 years in age and all are healthy. If you can help please let me know..... they are free to a good home.
Hope your surgery goes well.
I've got 119 coturnix quail eggs in my now refurbished cabinet incubator. Had one more but it had a crack and the egg lost too much moisture. Lockdown happens Thursday so I should have lots of chicks by Sunday and Monday.

My first batch are four weeks old and are almost the same size as the adults and some of the "baby" boys are already crowing! Yes they can crow at four weeks! Good thing they are much quieter than chickens. A couple of weeks more and they can go to freezer camp. I got twelve hens that I separated out into two breeding cages and got both groups a roo from another breeder. Those boys are nice and big, crowing, and so far are being gentlemen with the ladies. They got a couple of weeks for the honeymoon so if they stay good to the girls they will not get processed with the other roos.

I have a few extra young quail hens if anyone needs them. Since they need to be kept in groups of 4-7 hens to each roo you don't often find extra hens available. They are fed organic feed and get FF like the chickens do.

The heat doesn't seem to effect the quail hens like it does the chickens. While the chickens are each only laying about every other day I get 16-21 eggs a day from my 21 quail hens. Delicious!

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