Arizona Chickens

I think that I've read orpingtons take almost a year to be full size. Mine are orpingtons. They look just like all the pictures I've seen. Now that they are maturing their temperments are a bit friendlier. I think it's just the competition. So I've increased the feed more and I'm catching an Orpington and feeding them alone. I try to rotate it and specifically try to grab the ones with thin boney chests.
Oh Sill, that sucks. I've had 1 or 2 'bad kills' and it really is horrible. I started using old feed bags with the corner cut out after trying a few different household containers. Still not the best killing cone. I'm building a butchering stand this weekend to hold 2 killing cones, a pot of scalding water, and a place to put the drill plucker. Someone gave me a traffic cone (why??), so of course I'll try it as a killing cone (what the heck else would I use it for?). I'll probably be using it within the next 2 weeks and I'll let you know how it works. Eventually, I'll probably just buy a dang commercial stainless steel cone.
Well it happened again. I bought some eggs from another different breeder and got the wrong eggs sent to me AGAIN. I turned them into ebay for fraud and ebay is making them give me my money back.
Well it happened again. I bought some eggs from another different breeder and got the wrong eggs sent to me AGAIN. I turned them into ebay for fraud and ebay is making them give me my money back. 

You are making me nervous! I just won some cemani eggs on eBay, but asked the seller not to ship until Monday. Which sellers are you talking about?
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Well it happened again. I bought some eggs from another different breeder and got the wrong eggs sent to me AGAIN. I turned them into ebay for fraud and ebay is making them give me my money back.

Oh, that's awful!! Soo sorry you got screwed again. That stinks. Did you get the replacement eggs from the first seller who admitted to sending the wrong eggs? Sure hope so.
ebay is hit or miss unless you know the seller. When I first started out with chickens other than hatchery stock, I bought a lot of eggs from ebay. I lucked out with the Black Copper Marans, they turned out to be good stock. The Rhode Island Reds advertised as "show quality" were not, they were a mix of hatchery and standard bred birds and I got rid of them. 2 Ameraucanas that hatched from 7 eggs turned out to have crests on their heads, so had to get rid of those, too. I had one seller mix up egg orders. Fortunately one person got blue eggs, the other tan, so we knew there was a mixup and the seller made good on it by sending the proper eggs to each of us.

There is just a lot of poor quality birds and mixed breeds out there. I am considering buying Black turkey eggs right now, so I can raise a Black tom and put him over my Self Blue hens. The offspring will all be Slate. But turkeys can have hidden genes, too, and I just don't trust what I'd get off ebay. Even though less expensive than Porter's Turkeys, I will buy from him if I decide to buy any because I trust what I'm getting.
I would check there feedback which I did but should have realized the feedback they had was not for selling eggs. Also I have not had any problems buying from anyone on the BYC forum so I think I will stick with buying and selling here and on my website. True chicken lovers are more honest I think
Oh, that's awful!! Soo sorry you got screwed again. That stinks. Did you get the replacement eggs from the first seller who admitted to sending the wrong eggs? Sure hope so.
They are supposed to ship them today when I asked why they had not sent them yet she said she had been sick. I am sick, sick of it

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