Arizona Chickens

We sure worry as Mama's about our kids don't we! Glad I'm not alone. It makes me feel bad to see them panting so hard. I usually go in and stick their feet in some water to help them When I can get out there to them.
Yes, I refilled water after the hose ran cool! I can wash and rinse dishes in hot water from my cold side since it is ran through my attic, lol. Good grief! My freezer is full of frost I can't even cool water bottles anymore, My poor babies! -.-
I lost one of my hatchery Easter /Olive Egger yesterday too. Total of two losses Actually three this summer. I'd lost a backyard mix Rooster when I moved him from a heavily shaded cage to cage that had bit more Sun and still shade from on the West. Even with it in the shade and he had quite a bit of water, had to have been to much of a difference. Hugs to those with losses.
I lost a Tolbunt today the heat is brutal right now
We had some terrible losses this summer. Last week, the timer on our AC in the bunny barn malfunctioned. It was so awful. Our adult daughter got home from work before I did and I could hear the panic in her voice when she called me. I left work immediately. Thankfully, she was able to get the AC up and running. She was able to save 6 but we lost a wonderful 3 y.o. doe that we've had since she was 5 wks old and litter of 5 that were only one week old.

Our chickens appear to be finding all the right spots in our back yard. They are free ranging and seem to be doing better this summer than last. I have added frozen water bottle to their waterer this week. They have a few shady places in the yard where they can get their feet wet and drink from.

Went to the feed store this week and they had baby chicks. They made our hearts happy so we brought a couple home. They are in the house and bringing lots of smiles. Just now growing some tail feathers. We have a couple more on the way on Labor Day weekend. Can't wait to get them all with us and the new little coop built.
Are you holding them?

I hold one each night while I give it a once over checking for mites and bumblefoot and all that and give them cuddles. Every day I check one chicken for that stuff and sort of do a rotation to makes sure I get through all the birds every week, and i feed treats out of my hands like I used to with the old girls. Once it's cooler out I'll be spending more time outside so I'm sure I'll start to bond with them more.
Lost a young production red this morning. So sad
. She seemed fine when she was let out this morning, but went out a little later and she was gone. The heat is BRUTAL.
Brutal heat is an understatement. It was 100 degrees before 10am this morning. Makes for some really hot chickens. Water is running, frozen bottles distributed and misters already on - I keep telling them it will be over come Tuesday or so and all they do is "brock, brock, brock" at me........I'm thinking they are a bit skeptical!
:frow   Hi everyone!  Just checking in to let you all know I'm still alive.  I've been unable to log on to BYC since June!  Got everything fixed and now I'm back.  

Thanks for the vines! :)
So glad to see you back again.  I always appreciate your insight.  BTW - Thanks for the passion fruit vine  :D

Thanks for driving them down!

Lost a young production red this morning. So sad :(. She seemed fine when she was let out this morning, but went out a little later and she was gone. The heat is BRUTAL.

Yes it is HOT!! Whew! ....
....I had gotten a couple New 16 inch plant saucers that I'm going to put down with water underneath the shaded areas for them to try to help and wet more ground Now!!
Brutal heat is an understatement.  It was 100 degrees before 10am this morning.  Makes for some really hot chickens.  Water is running, frozen bottles distributed and misters already on - I keep telling them it will be over come Tuesday or so and all they do is "brock, brock, brock" at me........I'm thinking they are a bit skeptical!  

Flooded under the tree, fan on the cool arrears. I want to just bring them in and put them all in a big dog kennel in the air condition, but don't think that would be a great idea.

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