Arizona Chickens

That's good to know, I don't think we really have predators where I'm at however I have seen a cat or 2 and I don't want the cat to get them, I'll probably just keep them inside for now so I know they are safe. Plus I don't really want to put the heat lamp out there. I bet it is cute to watch them outdoors
I'm just being an over protective mamma bear I
These babies. I have their coop/run all set up for them. I know they will eventually go outside but I have to admit I feel kind of weird putting them out since I've always had my animals indoors but yes they will definatly be going out eventually lol

You would be surprised. . A hawk is a predator.. they have keen eyesite. . Our rooster that we used to have would let the girls know when something was flying above. They would either freeze or run quickly under cover.. it's nice to have them inside when they're little, you get to hold them more often. they become calm when being held.. it's wonderful.. named them yet?
Once there two weeks old they don't have to be kept at 95 degrees. You decrease the heat every week, by five degrees.
Our favorite part of having a broody, is having them raise the baby chicks.. Cheryl with her babies. . She was such a good momma she didn't mind me picking him up and checking on them for pasty butt.




Plus a photo of one of our favorite cockerels. .
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You would be surprised. . A hawk is a predator.. they have keen eyesite. . Our rooster that we used to have would let the girls know when something was flying above. They would either freeze or run quickly under cover.. it's nice to have them inside when they're little, you get to hold them more often. they become calm when being held.. it's wonderful.. named them yet?
Once there two weeks old they don't have to be kept at 95 degrees. You decrease the heat every week, by five degrees.

I did read that about the temperature, but the place that I bought them a feed and tact store on 32street and bell in PV sold me a heat lamp for them with no temp controls.
My kids (3) and (5) named them
Winter( my daughters name)
Patrick (my sons name)
And stripes
And princess peach LOL
I also read about de worming them with DE how often and when and how?
I also read about salaminilla on chickens? Is it on them? I'd been kissing my babies and then read that and well I haven't kissed them since lol
And thanks for all the info I love it cause I definatly need info I have been reading a lot and watching you tube and asking friends who have chickens
Thank you, this is all new to me but so far it's been a lot of fun the babies are adorable and my kids and I just love them we put the coop/ run together even though I know it will be awhile before they go outside. We are looking forward to this journey and I love how much my kiddos love animals in general and they even help me with cleaning their bedding out and getting their food and water such a great experience!
How long have you had chickens

A year and three months. I went from having a few for eggs, to also breeding for meat, and am currently down to about 55 chickens.
Get a thermometer to put in your brooder to monitor the temperature. They will move away from the heat if they get too warm, and huddle together in the heat if they get too you can watch that, too. But if the heat is such that they can't get far enough away from it, it will stress them out. You can get stick-on thermometers from pet shops that are used for reptile keeping. They're pretty cheap.

Check out the Chicken Chick's website for lots of tips on pest control and all stuff chicken. Also, My Pet Chicken is a good website. They sell chicks mail order, but have a pretty good reference section. I also bought their paperback chicken book; didn't know it was theirs until I got it, but I think it's the best book of the half dozen or so chicken references I purchased! It's called (not surprisingly) the "My Pet Chicken Handbook". Got it off Amazon. Good resources to check into!

Make sure the heat lamp is SECURE at all times; if that thing falls over and touches something flammable, it's a fire hazard. Those 250 watt red bulbs are HOT! So keep your little ones away from it, too, and make sure it's well attached. And enjoy your little balls of feathers!
You would be surprised. . A hawk is a predator.. they have keen eyesite. . Our rooster that we used to have would let the girls know when something was flying above. They would either freeze or run quickly under cover.. it's nice to have them inside when they're little, you get to hold them more often. they become calm when being held.. it's wonderful.. named them yet?
Once there two weeks old they don't have to be kept at 95 degrees. You decrease the heat every week, by five degrees.

I was sitting out the other day watching the girls scratch around in the pen and all of a sudden, it was eye to the sky and silence. I looked up and there was a Red-tailed hawk passing overhead. This is a pen that is wire sides but a covered top and the hawk had not made a sound. As soon as one bird saw it, she put the eye on it and others followed suit until it was out of sight. Amazing birds.
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A year and three months. I went from having a few for eggs, to also breeding for meat, and am currently down to about 55 chickens. ;)

Sounds like us. We started with 3 chicks last May and by the end of June were up to 37 birds total. Currently have 32 layers and 4 roos with 10 EE chicks coming in a couple weeks.
May will make it 1 year for us.
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You would be surprised. . A hawk is a predator.. they have keen eyesite. . Our rooster that we used to have would let the girls know when something was flying above. They would either freeze or run quickly under cover.. it's nice to have them inside when they're little, you get to hold them more often. they become calm when being held.. it's wonderful.. named them yet?
Once there two weeks old they don't have to be kept at 95 degrees. You decrease the heat every week, by five degrees.

I did read that about the temperature, but the place that I bought them a feed and tact store on 32street and bell in PV sold me a heat lamp for them with no temp controls.
My kids (3) and (5) named them
Winter( my daughters name)
Patrick (my sons name)
And stripes
And princess peach LOL
I also read about de worming them with DE how often and when and how?
I also read about salaminilla on chickens? Is it on them? I'd been kissing my babies and then read that and well I haven't kissed them since lol
And thanks for all the info I love it cause I definatly need info I have been reading a lot and watching you tube and asking friends who have chickens

Salmonella grows on exposed meat. Not a live chicken..
Great names.. DE is a powder you put our side in their dust bath area.. You can also put it in their dry food.. We also use it in their nesting box's.. Make sure you don't get the kind from Home Depot.. That is not food grade..
You would be surprised. . A hawk is a predator.. they have keen eyesite. . Our rooster that we used to have would let the girls know when something was flying above. They would either freeze or run quickly under cover.. it's nice to have them inside when they're little, you get to hold them more often. they become calm when being held.. it's wonderful.. named them yet?
Once there two weeks old they don't have to be kept at 95 degrees. You decrease the heat every week, by five degrees.

I was sitting out the other day watching the girls scratch around in the pen and all of a sudden, it was eye to the sky and silence. I looked up and there was a Red-tailed hawk passing overhead. This is a pen that is wire sides but a covered top and the hawk had not made a sound. As soon as one bird saw it, she put the eye on it and others followed suit until it was out of sight. Amazing birds.

Love all bird's really.. But I don't want them close to my chicken's.. We have a golden finch nest, a dove nest this year.. We have been feeding the hummingbirds.. Tea in the garden is an adventure..

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