Arizona Chickens

I need help. I think my chick might have hurt her wing. She keeps dropping it like it's broken but then if I pick her up she and look at it she puts it back where it should be. She also still "flies" with it. Is she just faking? I think she is but I don't want to risk it.
I've been trying to get my Moringa seeds to germinate and grow for a few weeks now with no luck. I've tried growing them in coconut coir, potting soil and compost but they just won't sprout. What am I doing wrong? :idunno
I germinate seeds in the greenhouses sold by Wal-Mart and the hardware stores. In the old days I used a seed flat with potting soil and laid burlap over it to keep moist. Heat and moisture germinate the seed
Got to have both. Many seeds germinate in 7-10 days. I have seen some jump up in a few days but that's the exception. Germinate in 12 days or grow from cuttings
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I need help. I think my chick might have hurt her wing. She keeps dropping it like it's broken but then if I pick her up she and look at it she puts it back where it should be. She also still "flies" with it. Is she just faking? I think she is but I don't want to risk it.
in answer to your question I think sprained is more accurate than broken. Search BYC using key words hurt chick wing and there is a wealth of information already here. Good luck and hope your chick gets better soon they are pretty tough.
in answer to your question I think sprained is more accurate than broken. Search BYC using key words hurt chick wing and there is a wealth of information already here. Good luck and hope your chick gets better soon they are pretty tough.

I thinks she was faking it because after I picked her up and looked not only did it look and feel fine but when I put her down she went back to playing and she put her wing back to normal. My dad thinks that maybe she is actually a rooster and she was doing her dominance dance.. But I don't think so she doesn't look like a rooster and she's way to young to be acting like one. Do you think maybe she was just doing it for the attention? She is the tamest chicken out of my six and she even runs up to me and hops in my hand when I go over.
I am seriously considering a moringa forest in my backyard. It's full sun and I need more shade. I'm hoping to find a few to plant soon.
I am seriously considering a moringa forest in my backyard. It's full sun and I need more shade. I'm hoping to find a few to plant soon.

I want to plant a bunch along the west side of my house for this very reason. If I can't get any of these seeds to sprout I'll be ordering some trees from EcoGrow.
Do yours grow enough to have the pod's? Have you tried the pod's, if so are the good? We only have one tree @ our rental.. @sill shares her leaves with us.. I keep forgetting to ask other's that have this on their property if they have tried the pod's..
No not yet - I'm hoping some day...........We are just a tad too cold in the winter months for us to really get anywhere with good growth. We do get leaves and use them but have never gotten flowers or pods.
I want to plant a bunch along the west side of my house for this very reason. If I can't get any of these seeds to sprout I'll be ordering some trees from EcoGrow.
Exactly, I need shade badly especially the west side, but it's full sun back there. Here we have a full on Moringa Farm. I should probably check and see if they have seeds or seedlings. I just have to protect them with wire from a dog that ate my other tree.
I've been trying to get my Moringa seeds to germinate and grow for a few weeks now with no luck. I've tried growing them in coconut coir, potting soil and compost but they just won't sprout. What am I doing wrong?
I've had the best luck by carefully peeling the outer casing from the seeds. They are less likely to mold in the next step if the seed coat is off. Wrap the clean seeds in a damp paper towel. Put the wrapped seeds in a Ziploc bag and place them someplace very warm. They love heat! If it's below 90 degrees I don't get as good germination. If you have an egg incubator that would be perfect! Check daily for sprouting. As soon as you see sprouting get them into the ground if it's warm enough out or into gallon pots if it's too cold and place them somewhere warm If its below 60 at night it's too cold for seedlings outside. Until the seedlings emerge from the soil they don't have to have light, but as soon as they do they will need sun or a grow light. Full sun is best.

I am seriously considering a moringa forest in my backyard. It's full sun and I need more shade. I'm hoping to find a few to plant soon.
We always need shade here! Can't wait to see your forest.

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