Arizona Chickens

Okay I have to brag. Also hope I don't offend anyone. My husband is not home, and I opened the front door and there is a baby rattlesnake just hangin out :sick The dogs were nearby and this snake was way too close for comfort. So I grabbed the flathead shovel and guillotined his head off! Don't mess with this pregnant lady!! Keep your eyes on the ground friends, snake season is upon us.
I just had to do that this morning. Although it wasn't right outside the front door. When I get the chance I like to contain and relocate, but that wasn't an option this time. It was a Mojave, too, which I seem to get at least one of every year. I skinned it, chopped up the carcass and fed it to the chickens. Last year I found two huge western Diamondbacks in the chicken pen, only a couple weeks apart. The first was a full grown female full of eggs, the second was the biggest male I've ever seen (probably the daddy) and he and I had a showdown that rivaled The Battle of the Titans before I finally got the best of him. I have both their skins.
Reminds me of that old song by the Marvellettes from the 60's..."Don't Mess With Bill (Sonoran Chick), No, No, No, No."

Oh, you're a tough one....Don't Mess With Sonoran Chick. Takes me back to the 60's days of the Marvellettes, "Don't Mess With Bill."
I just had to do that this morning. Although it wasn't right outside the front door. When I get the chance I like to contain and relocate, but that wasn't an option this time. It was a Mojave, too, which I seem to get at least one of every year. I skinned it, chopped up the carcass and fed it to the chickens. Last year I found two huge western Diamondbacks in the chicken pen, only a couple weeks apart. The first was a full grown female full of eggs, the second was the biggest male I've ever seen (probably the daddy) and he and I had a showdown that rivaled The Battle of the Titans before I finally got the best of him. I have both their skins.
Hey...This is Arizona!!! The critters/predators out here are different from the East coast. And, if you have to dispatch a predator/pest, to me, it's no big deal. We all have to do what is necessary for our (and livestock/pets) well being. Only the strong survive. I have no problem with it, even if it means taking a shovel up the side of the head to loose, rambling (stray or neighbor) dog. I worked hard for what I have and will be damned if some(body's) critter wants to invade my territory. I pay the rent and upkeep here and uninvited guests are not welcome.
I just had to do that this morning. Although it wasn't right outside the front door. When I get the chance I like to contain and relocate, but that wasn't an option this time. It was a Mojave, too, which I seem to get at least one of every year. I skinned it, chopped up the carcass and fed it to the chickens. Last year I found two huge western Diamondbacks in the chicken pen, only a couple weeks apart. The first was a full grown female full of eggs, the second was the biggest male I've ever seen (probably the daddy) and he and I had a showdown that rivaled The Battle of the Titans before I finally got the best of him. I have both their skins.
We have snake tongs and if possible we try to use those and put them in a cooler and relocate. I was not feeling very humane during this particular showdown...I didn't know you could feed them to the chickens! Great idea for a free meal! What do your chickens do when there is a snake in the pen? Do they see rattlers as a snack or a threat?
We have snake tongs and if possible we try to use those and put them in a cooler and relocate. I was not feeling very humane during this particular showdown...I didn't know you could feed them to the chickens! Great idea for a free meal! What do your chickens do when there is a snake in the pen? Do they see rattlers as a snack or a threat?
The last time there was a rattlesnake in the coop, they acted like it was a threat, made some weird noises at it, and generally kept their distance. I heard the noises and saw the behavior from across the yard but didn't think to check at the time, and found it later when I was locking them up. It was cooler that day, so it was slower moving and I was able to catch it up with a bucket and an old cookie sheet the same way you would catch a spider with a jar and lid.

Found another one today! Another Mojave, but it was in a position that I couldn't have done anything about it. Will have to watch out for it... :(
They milk snakes for venom.

I am not suggesting you do this here, but since some of you do capture these snakes, can you forward them to the labs that make the Anti-venom. :idunno Currently fatalities are rare from snake bites due to treatments available. I think the venom is needed to make these treatment meds.
If you capture and relocate, maybe relocating to a lab would be a preference than just out into the wild. :idunno
I am not in favor of killing anything, but still put SAFETY of SELF and FAMILY FIRST.
They milk snakes for venom.
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I am not suggesting you do this here, but since some of you do capture these snakes, can you forward them to the labs that make the Anti-venom. :idunno Currently fatalities are rare from snake bites due to treatments available. I think the venom is needed to make these treatment meds.
If you capture and relocate, maybe relocating to a lab would be a preference than just out into the wild. :idunno
I am not in favor of killing anything, but still put SAFETY of SELF and FAMILY FIRST.

Yes, they do need the venom to make the anti-venom. That's a good suggestion since some years the snake population seem's to be worse than other's, but would the lab's even accept them from outside sources from individual's like us?
Not sure if they would accept. It would be a good question to someone in the Health Field. Never know when that extra dose available could save a life. :idunno
I am one that likes to repurpose things, and never waste something that has value. I am one that will list things FREE on Craig's List, rather than simply throw away. I'm not the only one with that attitude. :)

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