Arizona Chickens

Some of us do have pullet's that are available, but they aren't the normal EE's found at the hatcheries. For instance... I have some that are laying green egg's, but they don't have the puffy cheek's. I got mine by breeding a different way.
They don't have to be hatchery EE's. What I am looking for is mainly blue/green eggs and hybrid vigor! I've noticed that mixed breed chickens tend to be hardier than pure breeds. :)
They don't have to be hatchery EE's. What I am looking for is mainly blue/green eggs and hybrid vigor! I've noticed that mixed breed chickens tend to be hardier than pure breeds. :)

I've got a few of the one's like you are talking about. I have a couple already that are laying blue/green egg's, and a couple more pullet's that should lay an even lighter shade of the blue/green than those once they start laying.
Very cool. Are the Bresse/nn bigger than the cclb over all? Hubs wanted a couple of the cclb for the egg color but I want to reduce my chicken flock to 6. It's really a more manageable amount for our yard. I'm thinking about getting rid of all but the one Nn girl that has white spots on black. That means I can buy 4 girls or hatching eggs.

I know it's not good to breed brother to sister, but I wonder if half siblings are ok. Will have to look into that.
I'd read that interbreeding was ok, as people try and improve on traits that way, I just have mutts that it doesn't matter so I don't mind adding new blood to the mix.. I have read where they suggest doing so every couple of years.
I'd read that interbreeding was ok, as people try and improve on traits that way, I just have mutts that it doesn't matter so I don't mind adding new blood to the mix.. I have read where they suggest doing so every couple of years.

I like changing rooster's after I have used them for breeding for about a year. I'm already on the lookout for a clean necked Naked Neck rooster (no bib) and am willing to pay $50.00 for him.
Does the Newcastle follow in the eggs? So scary.

I'm not sure, but it's best to stay away from any chicken's, chick's, or hatching egg's that are from California or Utah right now, at least until they get that disease eradicated. Better to be safe, than sorry, right? You don't want to end up loosing your whole flock from bringing in the wrong one's.
I forgot to mention that I am also looking for a either a couple more young blue egg layer girls, or blue hatching egg's. Oh, and none of them should be coming from or had contact or connection with California or Utah because of the New Castle Disease, please!

I have a lot of NNs with the blue egg gene. When I set up my breeding pen, my rooster that's the strongest carrier of the blue egg gene will be paired mostly with blue/green egger hens.

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