Arizona Chickens

Have you checked the Craigslist for your area? Sometime's people are moving and have already sold the flock that they had, but now want to sell the coop's. Make sure if you get one that it's well built. Those fabricated one's usually aren't built very good and are too flimsy.
Yes we need one too. The ones posted are too large. If you get one post up photos.
I'm sure happy you're on the mend! I was thinking about you quite a bit and wondering if maybe you already sold or what was going on. I know what you mean about taking care of ourselves. We often tend to focus on others or something that needs doing and put off self care. Now is definitely the time to take care of you! I hope things smooth out and you get your place sold soon.
Where would you move to @FeatherPugs ?
@City farm Florida. My kids hate that I live without family near so they have consulted and decided FL is best for me. My son and his family live there. My daughters live in cold snowy areas except for middle daughter who lives in Las Vegas. I really don't want to live in Las Vegas. Yippee for new adventures!
Agh, wow yes a new adventure. Excited for you.
I was watching the new's on tv last night and it look's like they want the whole state of Arizona to self-quarantine themselves to their home now? I know that the state of New Mexico started the self stay in place thing already. They also said on the new's that anyone that has been to the state of New York with traveling in the last month, should quarantine themselves for 2 week's, and that they tested that cruise ship that had people on it that had the corona virus that the virus lived on surfaces for 17 day's. Why do I have a feeling that we are being lied to somewhere?
I was watching the new's on tv last night and it look's like they want the whole state of Arizona to self-quarantine themselves to their home now? I know that the state of New Mexico started the self stay in place thing already. They also said on the new's that anyone that has been to the state of New York with traveling in the last month, should quarantine themselves for 2 week's, and that they tested that cruise ship that had people on it that had the corona virus that the virus lived on surfaces for 17 day's. Why do I have a feeling that we are being lied to somewhere?

the cdc said it can't live on surfaces longer than 36-40 hours.... but that was a few weeks ago, maybe they have new info. I don't think any virus lives outside a host that long. I think a lot of news suppliers are in such a rush to get the latest, that most thinks might not be necessarily true...
I find it funny that so many people are buying water, do you know how many diseases we would have if it tap water wasn't treated like it was? the water is probably safe. ( but if your tap water is like mine, it's probably not too palatable)
on a less panic inducing note, Bet y'all have never seen a spider eating a tomato!

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