Arizona Chickens

Good afternoon AZ. We have wind and clouds, no rain yet though. Come on Mother Nature!! I'd love a storm right now.

I think it's so cool some of you are planning a processing party! I hope you have fun with it. I'm not doing it any more unless necessary but at least I know how and can if necessary. Gotta have a plan for those extra boys.

2/3 of the AC eggs in my bator hatched this morning, they're early. I'll have some Mille Fleur d'Uccle in next and hopefully some Egyptian Fayoumi pullets by Spring.

Enjoy the day all, I'm headed out to spread hay.
Yippeee, clouds and wind and thunder! I am going to be pissed if the rain skips my house!!
Got some decent rain.. more would have been nice, but it was cool and breezy as well.

Nala, my partridge silkie, was doing a kung fu kick to the coop door! New way to communicate it is time to play!
Got some decent rain.. more would have been nice, but it was cool and breezy as well.

Nala, my partridge silkie, was doing a kung fu kick to the coop door! New way to communicate it is time to play!
For such little birds they can jump high!

I got a triple yoker yesterday. It was a very large egg so made it for breakfast this morning. It was green so I think ester can claim it.
I'm still taking care of the animal's next door and grabbing the mail until next weekend. I don't mind doing the dog's and the chicken's, but those 2 goat's have a really strong musky odor that I don't like. I'm not a goat type of person. I take care of the goat's fast first, so that I can get away from them. I bring treat's for the chickens and the 2 dog's.
I think this guy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

is turning over in his grave when reading that article. :old :gig
Anyone think that 3-D printed steak's and chicken nugget's are ok to eat? Would it even be healthy? Would it force everyone else to kill off their herd's and flock's, because they would no longer be needed?
Chicken nuggets are already flesh mushed into playdoh shaped food particles. They could do the same w ground beef. There will always be a market for the lazy and those with no concern about what they eat.

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